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IRT -1o Aniversario do Clube de Xadrez de Sao Jose dos Pinhais -Divisao Especial

Last update 03.06.2012 00:04:19, Creator/Last Upload: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná

Starting rank list of players

4Palozi Paulo RicardoBRA2197
1Cruz William Ferreira DaBRA2172
5Salles Leandro Luiz Krause DeBRA2098
6Silva Alexei Kovalczuk AfonsoBRA2072
8Cardoso Pimenta Ciro JoseBRA2039
2Monteiro Artur FernandoBRA2018
7Costa Samir HejaziBRA0
9Da Silveira Jhony BiilBRA0
3Pereira Everaldo CordeiroBRA0
10Rodriguez Paulo Virgilio RiosBRA0