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FAMAJ 2023 sub16

Last update 12.03.2023 17:45:28, Creator/Last Upload: AJAX CIDADE NOVA

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Starting rank list

1Suan, Bruno Fernandes Lira22794620BRA1928AM
2Sharlon, Carvalho Torres44718110BRA1847AM
3Gabriel, Bento Ordozgoite44701489BRA1818AM
4Daniel, Felipe Araujo De LimaBRA1800AM
5Nicolas, Farias Kladt SpolidoroBRA1800AM
6Thomaz, Haijin Teixeira FariasBRA1800AM
7Williams, Alves TelesBRA1800AM
8Yenderson, Leandro Hermoso SalazarBRA1800AM
9Eli, Minev Benzecry44701187BRA1775AM
10Adrian, Ulrich Almeida PereiraBRA1761AM
11Ivan, Azevedo De Vasconcelo S2196450BRA1747AM