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National Chess Championship Nepal 2023

Last update 23.04.2023 09:13:43, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

Starting rank list of players

6FMJaiswal, Rupesh12300870NEP2153
2FMBhandari, Kshitiz12310654NEP2031
1Lama, Surbir5017432NEP1993
7CMChaulagain, Purushottam12300730NEP1982
5Nepal, Prakash Chandra12300993NEP1970
4Subedi, Rajan12301167NEP1935
10CMShrestha, Keshav12300055NEP1928
8Silwal, Purushottam12332313NEP1874
9Puri, Rajan12300500NEP1798
3Karki, Rajiv12300900NEP1773