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9th Piet van Zyl Chess Festival A Section

Last update 30.05.2023 08:04:18, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 121)

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Starting rank list

1IMMabusela, Johannes143007022222
2CMKhumalo, Keith143194702220
3Dinham, James143270231931
4Sekharume, Lefu143318531912
5Mathebula, Xolani Cebo143287711853
6Venter, Tertius143192761833
7Springbok, Jason143211491651
8Jikijela, Musa143077401586
9CMKotze, Christiaan143225871559
10Njoku, Greatman143301301549
11Senatle, Kamogelo143540391547
12Thunzi, Mxolisi1508
13Mafongosi, Xhanti143236801489
14Lebenya, Masilonyana143326801455
15Tokoyi, Romeo143404531420
16Fobo, Solomzi143469071334
17Zenani, Sibabalwe143477171312
18Van Der Merwe, Christiaan1300
19Zali, Sipho Nelson143392771288
20Botes, Dion143327361266
21Landman, Johan143328681226
22Masilela, Mpumi143605271215