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HelyszĂ­n: MSSZ – Venue: Hungarian Chess Federation (Falk Miksa Str. 10, Budapest)
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BSSZ One Week GM-B

Last update 27.08.2023 14:56:08, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 10

Starting rank list of players

3GMFodor, Tamas Jr.723762HUN2486
4GMAveskulov, Valeriy14109743UKR2470
1FMAmilal, Munkhdalai4903250MGL2437
7CMTran, Thanh Tu12401404JPN2413
9FMVanczak, Tamas759929HUN2408
10IMSetyaki, Azarya Jodi7101589INA2401
2GMVarga, Zoltan700509HUN2363
6FMPalczert, Matyas784958HUN2340
8FMCitak, Selim6301819TUR2319
5Szikszai, Bertalan797073HUN2282