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Chess C Bandy Open Rapid Tournament

Last update 29.07.2023 23:36:53, Creator/Last Upload: gambiachessfederation

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Starting rank list

1Aziz, Mathew LukeGAM0
2Chukwudi, PeterGAM0
3Dalliah, JosephGAM0
4Garber, OusainouGAM0
5Jallow, Alagie MalickGAM0
6Jallow, MustaphaGAM0
7Jammeh, LaminGAM0
8Kabba, Jimmy L.GAM0
9Mendy, MomarGAM0
10Nyan, IsmailaGAM0
11Singhateh, OusmanGAM0
12Sowe, Momodou L.GAM0