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Ciutat de Barcelona - Casino de Barcelona

Last update 31.10.2012 21:47:58, Creator/Last Upload: Manuel Navarro Perez

Starting rank list of players

3GMSokolov Ivan26902631Canarias
2GMNielsen Peter Heine26620
9GMNikolic Predrag26380
7GMSjugirov Sanan26240
5GMQuesada Perez Yuniesky26042609Barbera
8GMAroshidze Levan25602564Banyoles
6IMAlonso Rosell Alvar25402532SC Colon Sabadell
1GMOms Pallisse Josep25062507Figueres
4IMFluvia Poyatos Joan24902487Barcelona Uga
10GMMunoz Pantoja Miguel24602462Terrasa