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III IRT Xadrez Regional

Last update 17.12.2012 22:04:25, Creator/Last Upload: Xadrez Regional

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Starting rank list

1Dias Da Silva Adriano2111616BRA2043
2Heinrichs Vivian2124530BRA1997
3Haddad Filho Paulo Ibrahim2103702BRA1977
4Horta Marcio Rodrigues2123053BRA1954
5Pinto Rendrex Lopes2115484BRA1911
6Mendeleh Junior Jorge2137372BRA1836
7Pasqua Mauricio Coragem2120330BRA1705
8Vieira Alexandre Letizio2151545BRA1649
9Fassis Juliana Maria2122375BRA1646
10Schucman Rebeca Lot2140691BRA1623
11Correia Vitor Paie2134233BRA1454
12Kajiwara Joao Kazuyuki2137356BRA1244