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Final Phase Kenya National Team Selection - Open Section

Last update 21.02.2024 06:01:00, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

Starting rank list of players

6Omolo, Kenneth10800123KEN2088Chess & Maths Centre
5Oluka, Robert Mcligeyo10814647KEN2055KCB Chess Club
8Methu, Joseph Muragu10804714KEN1998KCB Chess Club
3Gohil, Mehul10800999KEN1994Nairobi Chess Club
2Kanegeni, Matthew Kamau10800255KEN1935NACHA
4Ngani, Victor10802088KEN1893Equity Chess Club
7Njoroge, Martin10801952KEN1870
10Wanasunia, Elvis Likoko10815090KEN1805Equity Chess Club
9Shile, Lenny Mataiga10808868KEN1783Nakuru Chess Club
1Mutuge, Ian10816593KEN1777Strathmore University
11Mutuma, Kinoti10829474KEN1472Black Knights