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IV IRT Xadrez Regional

Last update 27.01.2013 19:41:52, Creator/Last Upload: Xadrez Regional

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Starting rank list

1Nery Junior Jose Antonio2104822BRA2117
2Fernandez Hector2108003BRA2068
3De Freitas Rames Fialho2145570BRA1976
4Nolasco De Moraes Vitor2126079BRA1921
5Hengles Roberto Carlos2108950BRA1904
6Leal Paulo Donizete2101947BRA1850
7Alboredo Julia2124807BRA1789
8Pastana Rafael Pedroni2140756BRA1745
9Petri Luiz Sergio Gervenka2141671BRA1682
10Schucman Rebeca Lot2140691BRA1633
11Vieira Alexandre Letizio2151545BRA1629
12Gardim Leonardo D Almada2137348BRA1561
13Correia Vitor Paie2134233BRA1443
14Barbosa Flavio NovaisBRA0