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Campeonato Nacional Veteranos 2024

Last update 26.03.2024 16:16:56, Creator/Last Upload: TheNewFox

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Starting rank list

1Retamozo, Henry3800350PER2046
2Angulo, Alberto3801594PER1987
3Garcia, Julio (Per)3820254PER1962
4Beyer Lecaros, Alfredo Jose3817970PER1944
5Garcia Toledo, Pedro3800105PER1934
6Malvaceda, Fernando3820556PER1862
7Fernandez Armas, Gabriel3832511PER1794
8Pizzardo Olivares, Fernando Salvador3804518PER1786
9Gomez De La Torre Kusianovich, Fernando3841731PER1778
10Paiva Benites, Felix Raul3841162PER1732
11Merma, Isaias3803066PER1724
12Villavisencio, Luis3824039PER1705
13Vidalon, Raul3816168PER1608
14Sifuentes Sanchez, Alberto Angel81425040PER1538
15Casana Zamora, Aquiles Macario81437242PER0
16Luque Huanca, Julio Leon81437030PER0
17Merkelj Guerrero, Antonio81437226PER0
18Pereyra, Augusto3803082PER0