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FSCT 16th Group A Four Seasons Chess Tournaments

Last update 23.04.2024 23:33:13, Creator/Last Upload: Ahmed-Sharata

Starting rank list of players

7FMElarabi, Abobker Mohamed9200355LBA2287
1Zenhom, Talaat10621997EGY2284
8Madi, Emad9200819LBA2080
9Attalib, Osama A.9206485LBA2021
5Taher, Rami9200509LBA1986
3Aldrsi, Reda Saleh9211020LBA1951
10CMMahdia, Farage9200339LBA1902
2Shuaib, Faris9202692LBA1888
6Arafa, Koni Mohamed9218033LBA1783
4Altounsi, Abdulwarith Ali9214500LBA1734