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Sub-18 Femenino Zona Centro

Last update 30.03.2013 22:59:50, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Cespedes Galindo EstefaniaTOL1767Club San Simon
2Barbosa DanielaMET1726Club Torre 64
3Rodriguez Sandra LizethCUN1656Club Alfeizar
4Rodriguez Lina MariaCUN1628Club Alfeizar
5Luna Angela MariaCUN1609Club Alfeizar
6Gonzalez KarlaCUN1579Club Alfeizar
7Sandoval Yanneth KatherinBOY1526Club Paipa
8Rozo Claudia MagallyCUN1409Club Shabaku
9Arcila SofiaQUI1374Club Ajequim