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VI Tancats del Maresme -Grup A-

Last update 26.05.2013 11:00:13, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 344)

Starting rank list of players

9Lorca Cortada David2136CARDONA, CLUB ESCACS
4Ruiz Molina Gabriel2102CANET, CLUB ESCACS
8Franch Guiral Ramon2094CANET, CLUB ESCACS
7Villares Galiano Lluis2093IDEAL D'EN CLAVE C.E.
2AndiƱach Carrasco Javier2075VALLROMANES, CLUB ESCACS
1Estrany Sanfeliu Roger2073MATARO C.E.
10Bimbati Gian Carlo2067CERDANYOLA MATARO C.E.
5Vilalta Vidal Xavier2067MATARO C.E.
6Santos Ramos Carles2036CIRERA, CLUB D'ESCACS
3Maynat Diaz Jose Antonio2005CANET, CLUB ESCACS