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Vidzemes summer Blitz

Last update 26.07.2013 19:14:51, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 10 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMKrivonosov Oleg2471LAT 36w1 18b1 7w½ 4b1 8w½ 2b½ 22w1 5b½ 3w½ 6w17,55364,52438
2GMMiezis Normunds2513LAT 38b1 12w1 3b1 5w½ 6b½ 1w½ 7b½ 13w1 9b½ 17w17,552,5642425
3NMKarklins Imants2249LAT 24w1 42b1 2w0 36b1 30w1 8b1 5w½ 6w½ 1b½ 9w17,547,558,52334
4IMLiiva Riho2461EST 34b1 15w1 17b0 1w0 37b1 36w1 8b1 7w1 6b½ 5w17,54758,52325
5NMMustaps Matiss2341LAT 21w1 14b1 22w1 2b½ 9w1 6w½ 3b½ 1w½ 11b1 4b075466,52380
6GMPetkevich Jusefs2379LAT 47w1 11b1 10w1 17b1 2w½ 5b½ 13w1 3b½ 4w½ 1b075464,52386
7FMLavendelis Egons2326LAT 32b1 31w1 1b½ 8w½ 11b½ 23w1 2w½ 4b0 15w1 12b1749,561,52293
8NMDaudzvardis Janis2124LAT 44w1 19b1 9w1 7b½ 1b½ 3w0 4w0 24b1 10w½ 20b16,55161,52230
9NMPutka Verners2351LAT 29b1 37w1 8b0 16w1 5b0 15w1 18b1 12w1 2w½ 3b06,549,5612213
10MKMalyshev Roman2225RUS 40b1 23w1 6b0 31w1 13b0 11w1 12b0 14w1 8b½ 18w16,546572153
11MKLaizans Aivars2069LAT 43b1 6w0 40b1 19w1 7w½ 10b0 23b1 17w1 5w0 22b16,545,555,52217
12WFMPavlova Alina2090RUS 48w1 2b0 24w½ 14b½ 26w1 30b1 10w1 9b0 22w1 7w064554,52136
13MKSaksis Juris2100LAT 16b½ 46w½ 37b1 18b1 10w1 17w1 6b0 2b0 20w0 34w164454,52128
14IBirgelis Janis1916LAT 27b1 5w0 33b½ 12w½ 29b0 31w1 28b1 10b0 24w1 23w1642532006
15MKMelderis Uldis2049LAT 33w1 4b0 39w1 30b0 25w1 9b0 36b1 20w1 7b0 28w164152,51986
16MKNesterov Arseniy1923RUS 13w½ 26b½ 48w1 9b0 24w0 39b1 19w0 38b1 32b1 25w163947,51963
17MKAgafonov Yuri2191LAT 39w1 25b1 4w1 6w0 23b½ 13b0 26w1 11b0 19w1 2b05,547,5592157
18ISaksis Ivo2098LAT 20b1 1w0 21b1 13w0 38b1 24w1 9w0 19b½ 26w1 10b05,545,5572045
19MKBreikss Peteris2098LAT 46b1 8w0 25w1 11b0 20b0 37w1 16b1 18w½ 17b0 32w15,542,5521980
20IAgafontseva Sofia1656RUS 18w0 47b½ 26w0 43b1 19w1 42b1 27w1 15b0 13b1 8w05,539,5492005
21IPetrovs Jaroslavs1720LAT 5b0 43w1 18w0 35b1 42w½ 27b0 40b1 32w0 46b1 30w15,533,543,51934
22MKSermons Uldis2179LAT 28b1 49w1 5b0 23w0 31b1 29w1 1b0 25w1 12b0 11w0544531984
23MKKrums Ilmars2107LAT 26w1 10b0 42w1 22b1 17w½ 7b0 11w0 27b½ 36w1 14b0543,5542063
24ISenkans Antons1701LAT 3b0 27w1 12b½ 46w½ 16b1 18b0 42w1 8w0 14b0 38w1542,5532014
25IMitenieks Matiss1858LAT 30b1 17w0 19b0 28w1 15b0 38w1 29b1 22b0 27w1 16b0541511965
26MKNesterov Yury1942RUS 23b0 16w½ 20b1 33w1 12b0 32w1 17b0 30w1 18b0 31w½540,550,51897
27MKZaklauskis Mintauts2100LAT 14w0 24b0 32b½ 34w1 33b1 21w1 20b0 23w½ 25b0 36w1538,548,51770
28IAntonivs Vladislavs1682LAT 22w0 36b0 41w1 25b0 45w1 48b1 14w0 31w1 29b1 15b0536441878
29ISmits Gundars1753LAT 9w0 33b0 43w1 44b1 14w1 22b0 25w0 42b1 28w0 37b1535,5451847
30IPole Rita1850LAT 25w0 -1 38b1 15w1 3b0 12w0 46b1 26b0 34w½ 21b04,539,5501855
31IGercans Visvaldis1852LAT 41w1 7b0 35w1 10b0 22w0 14b0 39w1 28b0 44w1 26b½4,539491892
32IZiedinsh Roberts1707LAT 7w0 35b0 27w½ 45b1 47w1 26b0 33w1 21b1 16w0 19b04,538481879
33IVambute Dana1493LAT 15b0 29w1 14w½ 26b0 27w0 45b1 32b0 40w0 -1 42b14,536451810
34IKrauze Anda1762LAT 4w0 48b0 44w0 27b0 35w1 -1 41b1 46w1 30b½ 13b04,531,5411852
35ILiepins Vitauts1850LAT 37b0 32w1 31b0 21w0 34b0 49w1 38b0 -1 39w½ 47w14,531381678
36IPomahs Ziedonis1780LAT 1b0 28w1 49b1 3w0 46b1 4b0 15w0 37w1 23b0 27b0443521983
37IStabulnieks Klavs1894LAT 35w1 9b0 13w0 39b1 4w0 19b0 44w1 36b0 40b1 29w043949,51872
38IMorozli Grigorijs1826LAT 2w0 44b1 30w0 48b1 18w0 25b0 35w1 16w0 47b1 24b0435,5451813
39ILiecis Raimonds1687LAT 17b0 45w1 15b0 37w0 41b1 16w0 31b0 48w1 35b½ 40w½434,542,51812
40ILimanovska Elizabete1694LAT 10w0 41b1 11w0 42b0 48w½ 47b1 21w0 33b1 37w0 39b½43442,51747
41IVissarionovs Artjoms1804LAT 31b0 40w0 28b0 -1 39w0 43b1 34w0 44b½ 49w1 45w½428,5351590
42IVambuts Raimonds1902LAT 45b1 3w0 23b0 40w1 21b½ 20w0 24b0 29w0 48b1 33w03,53746,51686
43IBespalova Jana1525LTU 11w0 21b0 29b0 20w0 -1 41w0 47b½ 49w1 45b0 46w13,531391638
44ILitvjakova Darija1666LAT 8b0 38w0 34b1 29w0 49b1 46w0 37b0 41w½ 31b0 -13,530,538,51673
45IOdmins Guntars1947LAT 42w0 39b0 -1 32w0 28b0 33w0 49b1 47w0 43w1 41b½3,52935,51520
46IMarkus Viktors1916LAT 19w0 13b½ 47w1 24b½ 36w0 44b1 30w0 34b0 21w0 43b0334431647
47ITamanis Anzelms1754LAT 6b0 20w½ 46b0 49w1 32b0 40w0 43w½ 45b1 38w0 35b033139,51663
48IPolendik Tiina1637EST 12b0 34w1 16b0 38w0 40b½ 28w0 -1 39b0 42w0 49b02,533,5411525
49ILinroos Monika1619EST -1 22b0 36w0 47b0 44w0 35b0 45w0 43b0 41b0 48w1228351443

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)