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Festivalul International de Sah "Cap Aurora FISCA 2013 - Turneul A - grupa 8 ani

Last update 29.06.2013 16:32:04, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 1)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Macovei David-SebastianROU 31b1 42w1 11b1 15w1 12b1 3w0 13b1 2w1 4b181844
2Otetea IoanaROU 98w1 84b1 14w1 9b1 4w1 8b1 3w1 1b0 10w180843
3Antal Hunor-ZoltanROU 78w1 34b1 26w1 6b1 25w1 1b1 2b0 10w0 12b170743,5
4Togan Teodor-BogdanROU 61w1 64b1 13w1 16b1 2b0 20w1 15b1 5w1 1w070743
5Trifoi Mihaela-IoanaROU 81w1 13b0 97w1 34b1 14w1 16b1 7w1 4b0 8w170739,5
6Balaban-Voia AlexandruROU 66b1 49w1 52b1 3w0 36b0 37w1 18b1 20w1 17b170737,5
7Ardeleanu-Chirica MateiROU102b1 80w1 37b1 12w0 49b1 36w1 5b0 35w1 13b170735,5
8Ojog FeliciaMDA100w1 22b1 25w½ 51b1 10b1 2w0 11b1 9w1 5b06,50642,5
9Matasaru StephanieROU 63b1 48w1 18b1 2w0 45b1 11w½ 27b1 8b0 14w16,50640,5
Oprea Rares-AndreiROU 39w1 30b1 51w½ 32b1 8w0 25b1 17w1 3b1 2b06,50640,5
11Ercsei Iolanda-ElisabetaROU 70w1 67b1 1w0 62b1 24w1 9b½ 8w0 29b1 25w16,50638,5
12Mihai FlorinROU 59w1 29b1 45w1 7b1 1w0 17b0 32w1 16b1 3w060641,5
Mainescu Andrei-CristianROU 46b1 5w1 4b0 40w1 23b1 52w1 1w0 33b1 7w060641,5
14Bresug Ariana-BiancaROU 27b1 58w1 2b0 76w1 5b0 38w1 41b1 15w1 9b060639
15Cismaru Alexandra-NicolaROU 75w1 53b1 74w1 1b0 19w1 33b1 4w0 14b0 34w160638
16Costache Robert-AndreiROU 79b1 86w1 35b1 4w0 58b1 5w0 21b1 12w0 46b160636
17Craita Alexandru-StefanROU 58b0104w1 66b1 37w1 69b1 12w1 10b0 28w1 6w060635
Saulescu Ioan-AlexandruROU 60w1 71b1 9w0 26b1 33w0 43b1 6w0 61b1 32w160635
Pintilie Tudor-AlexandruROU105b1 35w0 63b1 38w1 15b0 46w1 20b0 41w1 50b160635
20Nedelcu Teodor-CosminROU 67w0 73b1 59w1 78b1 32w1 4b0 19w1 6b0 39w160634,5
21Dobre Radu-FabianROU 32w0 43b1 65w1 24b0 74w1 62b1 16w0 60b1 33w160633
22Rata AndreiROU104b1 8w0 38b0 77w1 63b1 58w1 28b0 40w1 35b160632,5
23Dragomir Carmen-TeodoraROU 54b+ 51b0 98w1 39b1 13w0 41w0 63b1 59b1 43w160631,5
24Ioan TudorROU 89b1 21w1 11b0 49w½ 50b½ 42w1 26w160435,5
25Borsaru David-AndreiROU 77b1 40w1 8b½ 28w1 3b0 10w0 76b1 31w1 11b05,50539,5
26Nicorici NicoletaMDA 41b1 85w1 3b0 18w0 31b½ 44w1 52b1 27w1 24b05,50537,5
27Nicolae Dan-StefanROU 14w0 44b1 53w½ 96b1 51w1 30b1 9w0 26b0 57w15,50536
28Arsinoaia Ioan-AlexandruROU 65w1 88b1 32w0 25b0 59w1 80b1 22w1 17b0 29w½5,50533,5
Bratu Andrei-ViorelROU 72b1 12w0 86b1 58w0 40b1 69w1 36b1 11w0 28b½5,50533,5
30Simion Gabriel-SerbanROU 91b1 10w0 79b½ 35w1 85b1 27w0 31b0 53w1 54b15,50533
31Creanga Robert-IonutROU 1w0 68b1 33w0100b1 26w½ 96b1 30w1 25b0 52b15,50532,5
32Petrescu DariusROU 21b1 36w1 28b1 10w0 20b0 42w1 12b0 49w1 18b050539,5
33Grigor MihaiROU 38b1 37w0 31b1 50w1 18b1 15w0 45b1 13w0 21b050538,5
34Ciapa Ioana-AntoniaROU 56b1 3w0 46b1 5w0 35b0 86w1 47b1 38w1 15b050537,5
35Levinte StanislavMDA 99w1 19b1 16w0 30b0 34w1 64b1 51w1 7b0 22w050537
36Cialacu Edward-CristianROU 43w1 32b0 61w1 87b1 6w1 7b0 29w0 39b0 65w150535,5
Abseleam BerkanROU 55w1 33b1 7w0 17b0 65w1 6b0 39w0 79b1 72w150535,5
Fagaras Paul-AlexandruROU 33w0 55b1 22w1 19b0 44w1 14b0 62w1 34b0 64w150535,5
39Giugiuc Andrei-CalinROU 10b0 91w1101b1 23w0 50b0 72w1 37b1 36w1 20b050535
40Grumaz Razvan-ConstantinROU 44w1 25b0 84w1 13b0 29w0 88b1 64w1 22b0 59w150533,5
41Constantinescu Alex-MihaiROU 26w0 90b1 57w0 55b1 87w1 23b1 14w0 19b0 62w150533
42Rudareanu-Mihancea BernardROU 90w1 1b0 78w0 70b1 61w1 32b0 57w1 24b0 58w150531,5
43Nicola Anamaria-IoanaROU 36b0 21w0 91b1 84b1 88w1 18w0 89b1 45w1 23b050531
44Fileru MariaROU 40b0 27w0 68b1 86w1 38b0 26b0 82w1 77w1 74b150530,5
Angheluta DianaROU 82b1 87w1 12b0 80w1 9w0 60b1 33w0 43b0 61w150530,5
46Petrescu TudorROU 13w0 81b1 34w0 98b1 97w1 19b0 80w1 58b1 16w050530
47Sarghi Sergiu-MihaiROU 64w0 61b0 75w1 59b0 81w1102b1 34w0 66w1 73b150527
48Balint Stefan-NicolasROU 96w1 9b0 62w0 82b1 60w0 83b1 58w0 68w1 63b150526
49Cojocaru Mihai-MarianROU 68w1 6b0 67w1 57b1 7w0 24b½ 74w½ 32b0 60w150434,5
50Maftei RazvanROU 62w0 83b1 70w1 33b0 39w1 57b½ 24w½ 74b1 19w050433
51Birlea Nicoleta-RoxanaROU107b1 23w1 10b½ 8w0 27b0 78w1 35b0 52w0 83b14,50433,5
52Popescu Sergiu-TraianROU 83w1 62b1 6w0 74b½ 79w1 13b0 26w0 51b1 31w04,50432,5
53Baiasu Vlad-IulianROU 69b1 15w0 27b½ 79w- 96w0 97b1 75w1 30b0 78w14,50430
54Baciu DanielROU 23w- 82w-106w1 60b0 90w1 75b½ 96w1 78b1 30w04,50427
55Sofletea IrisROU 37b0 38w0102b1 41w0 75w0 98b½ 97w1 96b1 80w14,50424,5
56Cataraga DanielMDA 34w0 70b0 90w0 68w0 91b1104b½ 98w1 84b1 79w14,50423,5
57Braboveanu Rares-AndreiROU 41b1 49w0 66b1 50w½ 42b0 76w1 27b04,50333
58Musat Tudor-MihaiROU 17w1 14b0 88w1 29b1 16w0 22b0 48b1 46w0 42b040438,5
59Dulugea Razvan-GabrielROU 12b0 72w1 20b0 47w1 28b0 67w1 69b1 23w0 40b040435
60Olteanu Mihnea-CatalinROU 18b0 76w0107b1 54w1 48b1 45w0 66b1 21w0 49b040434,5
61Gheorghiu Teodora-IlincaROU 4b0 47w1 36b0 72w1 42b0 94w1 73b1 18w0 45b040434
62Secrieru NicolaeMDA 50b1 52w0 48b1 11w0 89b1 21w0 38b0 81w1 41b040433,5
63Ghibu IulianROU 9w0100b1 19w0 73b1 22w0 87b1 23w0 71b1 48w040432,5
64Kiss Alexandra-MariaROU 47b1 4w0 77b1 69w0 67b1 35w0 40b0 86w1 38b040431,5
65Grigoras Cristian-AndreiROU 28b0 95w1 21b0 92w1 37b0 73w0 94b1 69w1 36b040430
66Diaconu Eduard-CristianROU 6w0106b1 17w0 71b1 57w0 93b1 60w0 47b0 91w140429,5
Marina Matei-OctavianROU 20b1 11w0 49b0101w+ 64w0 59b0 71w0 95b1 88w140429,5
Raducu IoanaROU 49b0 31w0 44w0 56b1 99w0 92b1 88w1 48b0 89b140429,5
69Ulian Andrei-OctavianROU 53w0 75b1 99w1 64b1 17w0 29b0 59w0 65b0 96w140429
70Musat Andreea-SilviaROU 11b0 56w1 50b0 42w0 94b- 71b0104w1100b1 92w140428,5
71Topircean David-AndreiROU 76b1 18w0 80b0 66w0 77b0 70w1 67b1 63w0 86b140427,5
72Roman CristianaROU 29w0 59b0 81w1 61b0 98w1 39b0102w1 89w1 37b040426,5
73Basarab RaduROU 85b0 20w0105b1 63w0107w1 65b1 61w0 99b1 47w040424
74Dutca CatalinMDA 89b1101w1 15b0 52w½ 21b0 85w1 49b½ 50w0 44w040333,5
75Gumus Alexandru- AbdulkerimROU 15b0 69w0 47b0 95w1 55b1 54w½ 53b0 85w1 76b½40331,5
76Bigu Bogdan StefanROU 71w0 60b1 82w1 14b0 78w½ 79b1 25w0 57b0 75w½40328,5
77Lucutar Sonia-PatriciaROU 25w0 94b1 64w0 22b0 71w1 99b½ 84w½ 44b0 87w140327
78Lazar MariusMDA 3b0107w1 42b1 20w0 76b½ 51b0 99w1 54w0 53b03,50332,5
79Muntean Cristian-FlorinROU 16w0 92b1 30w½ 53b+ 52b0 76w0 85b1 37w0 56b03,50331,5
80Borlean Adrian-PaulROU 94w1 7b0 71w1 45b0 93b1 28w0 46b0 83w½ 55b03,50330
81Cord Andrei-ValentinROU 5b0 46w0 72b0 91w1 47b0106w+ 93w1 62b0 82w½3,50327
Paculea Bogdan-PaulROU 45w0 54b+ 76b0 48w0 84b1 89w0 44b0 94w1 81b½3,50327
83Olariu Miruna-MihaelaROU 52b0 50w0 95b1 88b0101w+ 48w0 87w1 80b½ 51w03,50326
84Niculae MariaROU103b1 2w0 40b0 43w0 82w0100b1 77b½ 56w0 97b13,50325,5
Broatec Razvan-IustinROU 73w1 26b0 96w½ 97b1 30w0 74b0 79w0 75b0 99w13,50325,5
86Juganaru Matei TeodorROU106w1 16b0 29w0 44b0100w1 34b0 90w1 64b0 71w030329,5
87Wasicsek Sara-IoanaROU 92b+ 45b0108w+ 36w0 41b0 63w0 83b0 98w1 77b030329
88Andrasi-Beanu DarrinROU 95b1 28w0 58b0 83w1 43b0 40w0 68b0 90w1 67b030327,5
89Cioroiu Adrian-CatalinROU 74w0 93b1 24w0 90b1 62w0 82b1 43w0 72b0 68w030327
90Proca Mihai-AlexandruROU 42b0 41w0 56b1 89w0 54b0 95w1 86b0 88b0100w130326
91Simuleac Bianca-AlexiaROU 30w0 39b0 43w0 81b0 56w0107b1103w1102b1 66b030325
92Borea Octavian GabrielROU 87w- 79w0103b1 65b0 -0 68w0107w1 93b1 70b030324,5
93Pascal AlexandruMDA101b0 89w0 94b1 99b1 80w0 66w0 81b0 92w0103b130322,5
Voinescu Luca AndreiROU 80b0 77w0 93w0103b1 70w+ 61b0 65w0 82b0102w130322,5
95Stoian MihneaROU 88w0 65b0 83w0 75b0103w1 90b0106w+ 67w0104b130320,5
96Vinatoriu Victor StefanROU 48b0102w1 85b½ 27w0 53b1 31w0 54b0 55w0 69b02,50233
97Huiduc Damian-PhilipROU108b+ 5b0 85w0 46b0 53w0 55b0104b1 84w02,50230
98David Andrei-SebastianROU 2b0103w1 23b0 46w0 72b0 55w½ 56b0 87b0105w12,50227,5
99Colopelnic Daria-NicolaROU 35b0105w1 69b0 93w0 68b1 77w½ 78b0 73w0 85b02,50226
100Tapai MihneaROU 8b0 63w0104b1 31w0 86b0 84w0105b1 70w0 90b020225
101Mihailescu MarkROU 93w1 74b0 39w0 67b- 83b- -0 -0105b-107w120224,5
Grigor MariaROU 7w0 96b0 55w0108b+106b1 47w0 72b0 91w0 94b020224,5
103Racu GeorgianaROU 84w0 98b0 92w0 94w0 95b0105w1 91b0107b1 93w020218
104Oltean AndreiROU 22w0 17b0100w0106b0105b1 56w½ 70b0 97w0 95w01,51124,5
105Pascal OtiliaMDA 19w0 99b0 73w0107b½104w0103b0100w0101w+ 98b01,50115,5
106Secu AndreeaROU 86b0 66w0 54b0104w1102w0 81b- 95b- -0 -010119,5
107Visan Calin TudorROU 51w0 78b0 60w0105w½ 73b0 91w0 92b0103w0101b00,50025
108Tonita Mark DavidROU 97w- 87b-102w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,50024

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number Of victories
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)