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MOHE-UM Invitational Chess 2013 WANITA

Last update 22.09.2013 12:54:06, Creator/Last Upload: WWW.ALBORZC.COM

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Starting rank list

1Alia Anin Azwa Bakri-GMAS1790
2Nurul Najmi Bakar-GMAS1565
3Nor Atiqah Mohd Niza-GMAS1508
4Peh Xuan Lin-GMAS1469
5Martha Victor PlaintiramMAS1407
6Nur Masnirah Mohd Yunus-GMAS1277
7Siti Nor Adilah Baharom-GMAS1253
8Ng Yun Hui-GMAS1228
9Atiya Najiyah Binti Ahmad KamalMAS0
10Nur Hidayah Binti Mohd AminMAS0
11Nurul Ain Farahah bt YusofMAS0
12Putri Nurfarrah Syahindah BintiMAS0