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Sri Lanka Women's National Chess Championship 2013

Last update 07.10.2013 19:17:40, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

Starting rank list of players

13WIMRanasinghe S DSRI1867
3WFMGunaratne Manisha SuchiniSRI1733
8Maheshika D M PSRI1712
5De Silva ShelaniSRI1652
14WIMMethmani NelunikaSRI1630
12Rajapaksha ShyamaSRI1613
10Wickramasinghe Dilhara IshiniSRI1548
6Jayasundara H J M R MSRI1546
11Peiris H PevinyaSRI1538
4Mendis Dasuni HansikaSRI1533
1Lenagala JanakiSRI1527
7Kumari S C TSRI1471
2Sathma DevniSRI1451
9Nonis P A R RSRI1396