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Last update 01.12.2013 17:29:54, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad & Tobago Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1FMHarper RyanTTO2265
2Joseph MarcusTTO2152
3FMCabralis KeronTTO2085
4FMMerritt MarioTTO2053
5Johnson JoshuaTTO2010
6Gill JosephTTO1996
7Gordon AndersonTTO1986
8Soondarsingh DevTTO1979
9Jones DavidTTO1961
10Sears FrankTTO1923
11Lee CecilTTO1909
12James KeevinTTO1886
13Bowles AndrewTTO1881
14Lee HaydenTTO1847
15Bartholomew KenaTTO1789
16Flower TrevorTTO1755
17Solomon IanTTO1712
18WCMSmith JavannaTTO1700
19Archer CarlTTO1699
20Fitzpatrick KennethTTO1678
21Singh CarlyleTTO1659
22Primus PrinceTTO1604
23Wiltshire LouisTTO1602
24Johnson GabriellaTTO1576
25Jacobs CarlTTO1562
26Walcott Della-MarieTTO1390
27Smith ZurichTTO1378
28Agostini KyronTTO0
29Akingbala AdedotunTRI0
30Allum ZacharyTTO0
31Austin MarlonTTO0
32Callender NoelTTO0
33Creese JosauTTO0
34Cudjoe ShawnTRI0
35Giles SeanTRI0
36Iligan RodelioTTO0
37Maynard DavidTRI0
38Ramon-Fortune ArnoldTRI0
39Rattan-Chung JoanneTTO0
40Razark SadiqahTTO0
41Soverall PeterTTO0
42Valentine BryanTTO0
43Sudan JesseTRI0
44Davis DarylTTO1804