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Campionat Sub14 Lleida 2014

Last update 01.03.2014 12:54:10, Creator/Last Upload: Imma Montoliu Daroca

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Starting rank list

1Sole Pijuan Ferran2039Lleida
2Marti Trilla Aleix1909Vallfogona
3Cosialls Ris Ramon1898Almenar
4Botigue Moles Gerard1773Balaguer
5Estruch Andreu Guim1773Ponts
6Mir Carnice Jordi1732Vilanova Segria
7Cortasa Cortasa Alex1700Alcoletge
8Costa Esteve Ricard1700Lleida
9Escola Barragan Pau1700Lleida
10Gine Pla Arnau1700Lleida
11Planella Vazquez Jose Alejand1700Balaguer