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Campeonato de Tenerife Veterano 2014

Last update 26.03.2014 20:29:29, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Federation (Arbiter Comitee)

Starting rank list of players

6Villavicencio Martinez CarlosESP2104Laguna-Cotelec
5Zamanillo Iranzo Jose IgnacioESP1715La Victoria
4Gonzalez Martin JoseESP1663Piratas La Orotava
8Cordero Alamo RamonESP1506Laguna-Cotelec
3Febles Dominguez Alfonso JesuESP1428Circulo de Amistad
1Celis Ramirez M. Del RosarioESP1324Laguna-Cotelec
9Garcia Lorenzo JaimeESP1208Circulo de Amistad
2Rodriguez Rodriguez Jose JoaqESP1128El Sauzal
7Perez Mederos Juan VicenteESP0Laguna-Cotelec