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2014China chess individual tournament group A (men)

Last update 22.03.2014 10:47:21, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

Starting rank list of players

10GMDing LirenCHN2717
3GMYu YangyiCHN2664
7GMHou YifanCHN2629
1GMWei YiCHN2625
8GMZhao JunCHN2608
5GMMa QunCHN2606
6GMWen YangCHN2591
12GMXiu DeshunCHN2571
9GMZhou JianchaoCHN2565
4GMZeng ChongshengCHN2520
11IMLiu QingnanCHN2501
2Lin ChenCHN2475