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IRT mayores femenino Valle 2014

Last update 26.03.2014 16:34:43, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1WIMMateus Martha44015494401549VAL216921692144
2Orozco Luz Elena44036574403657VAL208020802078
3Rua Nora44019304401930VAL195219521952
4WFMDominguez Laura Lucia44168484416848VAL194419441948
5WCMRodriguez Sofia44061764406176VAL186018601807
6Viveros Erica Johana44169884416988VAL152215221501
7Yepes Bermudez Maribel44304254430425VAL155001550Discapacitado Visual
8Cordoba Ivon Katherine3909328VAL147101471
9Norena Derly Jiseth44308594430859VAL137601376