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Memoriam"Lazar Susterman" la sah

Last update 31.03.2014 13:52:17, Creator: IA Mihajlo Savic,Last Upload: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA

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Starting rank

1gmSanduleac VasileMDA2397
2IMBargan SergeiMDA2257
3fmCoset AlexandrMDA2256
4Cerbulenco LiviuMDA2160
5imRomcovici VictorMDA2113
6Abramciuc MariusMDA2067
7Carasiov AlexandrMDA1942
8Gitu Paula-AlexandraMDA1942
9Bejan SergiuMDA1923
10Sevciuc VladlenMDA1880
11Golban LiudmilaMDA1816
12Prominski NicolaeMDA1747
13Petruli IgorMDA1724
14Prikladov VladimirMDA1710
15Gutol MihailMDA1709
16Badareu MikhailMDA1679
17Popescu TraianROU1596
18Arabadji ConstantinMDA1557
19Maslov ArteomMDA1537
20Cojocari DmitriMDA0
21Lacusta ValeriuMDA0
22Parpalac VadimMDA0
23Robu EduardMDA0
24Sanduleac ValeriuMDA0