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Campeonato Paulista Juvenil 2014 - Absoluto

Last update 05.06.2014 15:25:09, Creator/Last Upload: Xadrez Regional

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Starting rank list

1Borsato Ana Carolina Teodoro273922122979BRA1731
2Dias Matheus Nunes365072136570BRA1619
3Correia Vitor Paie250112134233BRA1469
4Bonamigo Maisa Camargo43765BRA0
5Butt Galvao Jean Pablo420132169150BRA0
6De Andrade Brenda Marques420182169207BRA0
7Dos Reis Oclania Matos419822169231BRA0
8Duraes Thiago Nogueira420202168898BRA0
9Ferreira Robson Guedes420122169339BRA0
10Gomes Jeferson Dionisio428492180600BRA0
11Pereira Da Silva Gabriel Robert420102169495BRA0