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IV Memorial Pavlyutin V.M.

Last update 25.05.2014 11:41:08, Creator/Last Upload: Trjufilkina Elena

Starting rank list of players

4FMUryupin Igor4182529RUS2265
6Larin Vladimir P.4149769RUS2111
2Petrov Alexander V4173686RUS2078
7Ushakov Aleksanser34179213RUS2071
8Suvorov Alexander24135445RUS2027
3Agapov Yury N.24186481RUS2006
9Shvadchenko Grigory F.34142484RUS1927
1Yumashev Viktor V.34138860RUS1906
5Shcherbakov Nikolay24157465RUS1887
10Bolkhovitinov Yuri24135399RUS0