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Liga do Desporto Universitario 2014 - Feminino

Last update 01.06.2014 02:07:17, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Starting rank list

1Rothebarth Ana Vitoria De Paula26816211396120472032UFMT MT
2Fonseca Carolina Rodrigues29081212452118481924UFOP MG
3De Souza Camila7959214017918171926UFPR PR
4Sena Moura Danielle30231213345818001890MACK SP
5Ramillo Vitoria Matheus30801211973017631939UNP SP
6Silva Carolina Alves32812212394017421866UFRN RN
7Correa Lorenna Martins18718210725216831852PADRAO GO
8Sprotte Katia Elaine25503214015201883UDESC SC
9Lopes Bianca Luanna Barros2724001793UFRN RN
10Leal Sara Pereira33259212544701783AAAUNB DF
11Soares Aline Carla Araujo39748216241501770UFPA PA
12Neves Julliet Da Silva32706212387801734UNINASSAU PE
13Lopes Brenda Laryssa Barros27247214934601644UFRN RN
14Barbalho Geisa Nascimento28979215082401611AAAUNB DF