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Final Nacional Sub-8 Abs 2014

Last update 02.06.2014 19:31:40, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Cotes Ontibon Anibal SantiagoBOG1880
2Chavez Brayan StevenVAL1530
3Puerta Rendon JacoboRIS1487
4Toro Miguel AngelANT1416Medellin Chess Club
5Mercado Tapias Juan DiegoCOR1402
6Restrepo Julian DavidVAL1401
7Campos Gomez ManuelSAN1392
8Rodriguez Cetina Edwar SamuelCUN1326
9Sierra Barrios AlejandroATL1322
10Santiago Pinzon Juan FelipeCUN1304
11Cedeno Chavarro DanielCAQ1299
12Gomez Rondon SamuelANT1290
13Gomez Leon NicolasBOG1256
14Acevedo Mendoza Juan DavidVAL0
15Gaona Ballesteros AndresBOG0
16Perez Juan SebastianCAQ0
17Restrepo Palacio TomasANT0
18Rodriguez Pantoja ObelVAL0