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Final Nacional Sub-10 Abs 2014 Bogota D.C. Mayo 29 a Junio 2

Last update 03.06.2014 18:37:19, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Murillo Oscar4445058BOG2013
2Ribero David Felipe4431294BOG1975
3Hincapie Uribe Eduardo4430557BOG1973
4Cardoso Cardoso Jose Gabriel4430492VAL1804
5Avila Pavas Santiago4437128VAL1714
6Jimenez Joseph4427360BOG1673
7Jaimes Velasquez Simon Andres4431715BOL1580
8Vargas Daniel Fernando4452020CUN1518
9Rodriguez Celis Samuel Nicola4430603CUN1514
10Lopez Ramirez David Santiago4439333CUN1502
11Vanegas Mateo De Jesus4448979BOG1470
12Rodriguez Valencia Sebastian4438213RIS1457
13Molano Castano Juan David4439341RIS1431
14Rojas Hernandez Santiago4427416VAL1401
15Barrios Daniel Esteban4452470CAQ1386
16Hencker Isaza Miguel4451783ANT1317
17Florez Santiago4450965ANT1264
18Ducuara Alape Ronaldo4452500TOL0