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Majstrovstva SR 2014, GM turnaj

Last update 06.07.2014 13:37:49, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

6GMFtacnik LubomirSVK2566Sk Slovan Bratislava
1GMMichalik PeterSVK2557Sk Prievidza
4GMPetrik TomasSVK2511Sk Modra
3IMJurcik MarianSVK2469Tj Slavia Caissa Cadca
10IMPacher MilanSVK2429Sk Slovan Bratislava
5IMMazur StefanSVK2426Sk Zemplin Michalovce
2GMMrva MartinSVK2423Sachy Reinter n.o. Humenne
7GMManik MikulasSVK2394Tj Inbest Dunajov
9FMJurcik MartinSVK2391Tj Slavia Caissa Cadca
8Repka ChristopherSVK2379So Skm Stara Lubovna