Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Rapido - Indaiatuba

Organizer(s)XR Esporte Clube
FederationBrazil ( BRA )
Tournament directorEvans Fritsch
Chief ArbiterAN Moises Correia Junior [2142082]
Time control20 min
LocationIndaiatuba - SP
Number of rounds9
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating national, Rating international
Date2014/12/13 to 2914/12/14
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 20.12.2014 12:55:29, Creator/Last Upload: Xadrez Regional

LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Playing schedule
Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7, Rd.8, Rd.9/9 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7, Rd.8, Rd.9
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes
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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1NMFreitas Romeo SalvadorBRA 29b1 16w1 11b1 52w1 7b1 2w0 21b½ 6w1 8b½71052,540,539,75
2Savian FabioBRA 31w1 15b1 14w1 7b0 12w1 1b1 8w½ 9b0 23w16,5505140,534,00
3Franca Elizeu Cleber DosBRA 32b1 18w0 29b1 21b1 15w0 20w1 7b0 24w1 6b1680463629,00
4Deus Filho Joaquim DeBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0043027210,00
5Pereira ThiagoBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0044027210,00
6Borges FernandoBRA 34w1 17b1 21w0 19b½ 23w1 36b½ 14w1 1b0 3w0514050,539,525,50
7Chih Lee HungBRA 35b1 20w1 18b1 2w1 1w0 52b1 3w1 21b1 9w073051,541,537,50
8De Campos Joao ManuelBRA 36w1 21b0 39w1 23b½ 19w1 17b1 2b½ 52w½ 1w½6605040,531,25
9Dairokuno MitsuruBRA 38b1 24w1 52b0 18w1 21b0 29w1 15b1 2w1 7b1720503938,00
10Caceres Elton CarlosBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0045027210,00
11Dos Santos GilmarBRA 39w1 23b1 1w0 48b½ 36w0 50b1 19w1 12b1 21w05,51004636,524,50
12Nobre Jailson Altair BarbosaBRA 40b1 52w0 31b1 24w1 2b0 18w1 36b0 11w0 48b15160443420,50
13Granater Fonseca Luiz HenriqueBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0046027210,00
14Cardozo Matheus SantosBRA 42w1 58b1 2b0 50w1 52b0 55w1 6b0 29w½ 15b½519041,532,519,25
15Do Prado Andrielle Souza BritBRA 43b1 2w0 35b1 55w1 3b1 21w0 9w0 50b½ 14w½517043,535,518,75
16Pasqua Mauricio CoragemBRA 48w1 1b0 36w½ 17b0 38w1 23b0 55b1 19w½ 24b15150463522,50
17Fernandes Jose FranciscoBRA 50b1 6w0 38b½ 16w1 48b1 8w0 52w0 20b1 22w15,513043,53424,50
18Do Prado Andressa Souza BritoBRA 51w1 3b1 7w0 9b0 39w1 12b0 23w0 53b1 54w1518041,53417,00
19Correia Vitor PaieBRA 52b0 43w1 40b1 6w½ 8b0 48w1 11b0 16b½ 55w15220403318,00
20Gomes Jeferson DionisioBRA 53w1 7b0 55w0 57b1 40w1 3b0 32b1 17w0 31b15210413118,50
21Aparecido Silva HaroldoBRA 54b1 8w1 6b1 3w0 9w1 15b1 1w½ 7w0 11b16,54052,541,536,00
22Bonamigo Maisa CamargoBRA 55w0 44b+ 50b0 40w0 54b0 43w1 59b1 42w1 17b043103326,511,00
23Butt Galvao Jean PabloBRA 56b1 11w0 59b1 8w½ 6b0 16w1 18b1 36w1 2b05,511044,53624,50
24Carceliano Victor Samuel B.BRA 57w1 9b0 58w1 12b0 50w0 40b1 53w1 3b0 16w042504232,514,50
25Casal Caio SeminattiBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0047027210,00
26Casal Felipe SeminattiBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0048027210,00
27Casal Izabel Cristina SeminattiBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0049027210,00
28Casal Richard FarinazzoBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0050027210,00
29Chang LuisBRA 1w0 55b1 3w0 53b1 58w1 9b0 54w1 14b½ 50w15,51204434,521,50
30Dannebrock Gabriel AlexandreBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0051027210,00
31De Andrade Brenda MarquesBRA 2b0 47w+ 12w0 54w1 55b0 42b1 50w0 57b1 20w0427039,53014,50
32De Andrade Guilherme H. AssisBRA 3w0 48b0 53w0 56w1 59b1 58b1 20w0 55b0 38w0334036288,00
33De Oliveira Isabelle BarbosaBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0052027210,00
34Dos Santos Deborah MarquesBRA 6b0 50w0 48w0 51b1 53w0 38b0 56b1 59w1 58b143203125,58,50
35Dos Santos Monique FernandaBRA 7w0 51b1 15w0 58b0 57w1 53b0 40w0 54b0 43w133603224,55,50
36Duraes Thiago NogueiraBRA 8b0 54w1 16b½ 38w1 11b1 6w½ 12w1 23b0 52b167046,536,530,00
37Farias Bruno MarchetiBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0053027210,00
38Ferreira Robson GuedesBRA 9w0 53b1 17w½ 36b0 16b0 34w1 48b½ 58w1 32b152004131,518,25
39Goncalo Beatriz Dos SantosBRA 11b0 56w1 8b0 59w1 18b0 54w0 42b0 51w½ 40b02,539033,5275,75
40Goncalo Danielle L Dos SantosBRA 12w0 57b1 19w0 22b1 20b0 24w0 35b1 48w0 39w142903628,513,00
41Heck Rahysa LealBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0054027210,00
42Martins Elizabeth C OliveiraBRA 14b0 59w0 54b0 43w1 56b1 31w0 39w1 22b0 57w0337029235,50
43Mendonca Isadora LanzoniBRA 15w0 19b0 57w0 42b0 51w1 22b0 58w0 56b0 35b0141028,5230,50
44Moreira Jessica Maiara Da SilBRA -0 22w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0055027210,00
45Mota Guilherme FernandesBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0056027210,00
46Mota Henrique FernandesBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0057027210,00
47Moura Ulisses Atila Arrais EBRA -0 31b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0058027210,00
48Negri Daniel Julio S.BRA 16b0 32w1 34b1 11w½ 17w0 19b0 38w½ 40b1 12w042404233,516,25
49Pais Marcos Vinicius Da SilvaBRA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0059027210,00
50Pereira Da Silva Gabriel RobeBRA 17w0 34b1 22w1 14b0 24b1 11w0 31b1 15w½ 29b04,523041,532,517,50
51Pereira Evelyn Raissa SantosBRA 18b0 35w0 56b0 34w0 43b0 59w0 57w0 39b½ 53w00,542029231,25
52Santos Jr. Alexandre Reis DosBRA 19w1 12b1 9w1 1b0 14w1 7w0 17b1 8b½ 36w05,59053,541,530,50
53Scura Amanda CristinaBRA 20b0 38w0 32b1 29w0 34b1 35w1 24b0 18w0 51b14300352910,50
54Souza Victoria Hoirrana Da S.BRA 21w0 36b0 42w1 31b0 22w1 39b1 29b0 35w1 18b0428038,529,512,00
55Teixeira Kauana AguiarBRA 22b1 29w0 20b1 15b0 31w1 14b0 16w0 32w1 19b0426040,53215,00
56da Silva Isabele PereiraBRA 23w0 39b0 51w1 32b0 42w0 57b0 34w0 43w1 59b0240027211,50
57de Jesus Douglas de AraujoBRA 24b0 40w0 43b1 20w0 35b0 56w1 51b1 31w0 42b143302620,56,50
58de Moura Thiago RaiaBRA -1 14w0 24b0 35w1 29b0 32w0 43b1 38b0 34w0335034,5286,50
59de Camargo Mariangela BarbosaBRA -0 42b1 23w0 39b0 32w0 51b1 22w0 34b0 56w1338029235,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable