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VI Ciutat de Manacor Winterchess GM 2015

Last update 17.02.2015 23:18:43, Creator/Last Upload: IO Baltrunas Arvydas (LTU) 

Starting rank list of players

10GMArribas Lopez Angel2283352ESP2541
3GMKomarov Dimitri14101270UKR2518
7GMKovalev Andrei13500023BLR2485
9IMSielecki Christof4620437GER2447
1FMBasso Pier Luigi866970ITA2382
8Stremavicius Titas12804444LTU2381
6IMOmar Noaman9300244UAE2340
2FMMartinez Ramirez Erik22202366ESP2301
5IMRodriguez Lopez Rafael2204495ESP2292
4Pinho Paulo1900498POR2224