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2015 Capablanca Prestige - A Section RR

Last update 03.05.2015 19:15:31, Creator: Hendrik du Toit,Last Upload: Petronella Piek

Starting rank list of players

7Masango Spencer14300753ZIM21440
2Kaulule Siame Kela8701709ZAM21390
4Mathe Lehlogonolo D.14303949RSA21190
3Mthunzi Brighton14311054RSA20820
5CMBezuidenhout Roland14304562RSA20750
9Klaver Cornelis14301725RSA20730
1Takawira Eric14304333RSA20720
8Van Der Westhuizen Willem14309408RSA20570
10Skosana Stephen K.14304260RSA20530
6Ristovich Dmitar S.14305968RSA19290