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IRT Copa Ponzo - 5a. Etapa del "Camino al ITT CAMG 2016"

Last update 21.06.2015 04:23:08, Creator/Last Upload: Juan José Huergo

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Starting rank

1Tomas Falcon Jesus133477ARG2103
2Sica Mauro132705ARG2101
3Ponzo Fabian113409ARG2045
4Herrera Pablo114979ARG2021
5Barrientos Medina Juan Carlos111155ARG2005
6Beherens Leonardo107930ARG1983
7Lo Presti Roberto108286ARG1919
8Ponzo Hector113417ARG1902
9Malamud Lautaro128643ARG1858
10Leguiza Gustavo124834ARG1793
11Gualpa Carlos118435ARG1787
12Alves Fernandez Sebastian151556ARG1773
13Quarta Alejandro124885ARG1755
14Perez Maximiliano Raul124877ARG1729
15Gawel Alfredo Juan104795ARG1708
16Silva Ariel Orlando151548ARG1665
17Begue Jorge133833ARG1548