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30th Hampstead: Under 2200 Section - every month in the heart of Hampstead Village, London NW3

Last update 05.07.2015 18:37:25, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1MIGDAL Benedikt24672050GER2168
2PEIRIS T G M9901310SRI2114
3GAUDEAU Valentin662216FRA2113
4HORNELL Colin5811589SCO2111
5VILLIERS Thomas427209ENG2097
6IYENGAR Ilya405949ENG2049
7BROZEL Sacha429317ENG1976
8ROGERS Tim L418137ENG1961
9FORDHAM Nicholas415928ENG1932
10SAGUES Vincent625680FRA1911
11SIMPSON Ben444405ENG1878
12GILES Yasmin425559ENG1877
13NEATHERWAY A Philip418854ENG1865
14LEES Fraser A2404583SCO1857
15ANILKUMAR Anantha P424730ENG1838
16WU Haotian433756ENG1782
17BARASI Paul Dl432830ENG1776
18MAO Ximan441104ENG1763
19HINTERREITHER Nikolai433080ENG1695
20BALAJI Aaravamudhan436224ENG1670
21NORMAN Nigel419192ENG1660