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IBCA World Individual Junior Chess Championship 2015

Last update 28.08.2015 14:35:55, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1FMDimic Pavle937428SRB2305
2Czajkowski Adam1151932POL2073
3Eichstaedt Mirko24692310GER1997
4Adiyaman Rene12910414GER1834
5Diaz De La Guia Luis22285687ESP1793
6Koumtzis Argirios4225384GRE1770
7Garanin Danil34176389RUS1719
8Tikhonov Rostislav24154865RUS1626
9Mendez Manturano Eduardo32094540ESP1583
10Soundarya Kumar Pradhan25051822IND1547
11Prachurya Kumar Pradhan25051580IND1520
12Danilchenko Dmitrij14162563UKR1856
13Ramović MirnesMNE0