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XVI IRT da Academia Potiguar de Xadrez - STD

Last update 25.11.2015 09:51:51, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

Starting rank list of players

3Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza2102951RN2132
10Hiramine Rodrigo Yoshio Ferre2137526PE2090
9FMMacedo Maximo Valerio2102307RN2079
2FMPinto Carlos Henrique Lopes2101378RN2065
4NMSouza Marcos Valerio A.2104156PB2062
5Medeiros Israel Costa Smith De2135817RN2047
7Dos Anjos Avner Augusto2138620PE1989
8Hiramine Ricardo Hiroshi Ferr2146339PE1975
6Pinheiro Davi Sales2125153RN1955
1Gomes Jose Murilo2159767RN1935