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Génius Kwizda Kupa 2015/16- 2. játéknap U10 - 2006-2007

Last update 14.11.2015 20:24:34, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 1

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Fesus Marcell 19b1 15w1 14b1 3w1 2b1 4w½5,5023,521,25
2Kovacs Mate 16b1 9w1 7b1 10w1 1w0 8b1502418,50
3Tóth Dávid 20w1 17b1 28w1 1b0 5w1 10b1502115,50
4Kalnai Márton 27b1 7w0 19b1 13w1 6b1 1b½4,5021,514,75
5Németh Márk 6b½ 22w1 24b1 14w1 3b0 15w14,5019,512,50
6Bodnar Roland Gabor 5w½ 13b1 8w½ 9b1 4w0 18b1402314,25
7Papp Ádám 24w1 4b1 2w0 8b0 25b1 13w14020,511,50
8Tran Dávid 10b½ 31w1 6b½ 7w1 21b1 2w0402011,25
9Parkanyi Abel 31b1 2b0 17w1 6w0 14b1 16w1401910,00
10Magyar Gergo 8w½ 12b1 21w1 2b0 11w1 3w03,5223,511,50
11Pósa Réka 25b1 14w0 26b1 15w½ 10b0 23b13,50168,00
12Oravec Zsombor 22b½ 10w0 23b1 18b0 28w1 21b13,5015,57,75
13Szaporán Roland 26b1 6w0 20w1 4b0 17w1 7b03020,58,00
14Lakoczi Levente 30w1 11b1 1w0 5b0 9w0 24w13020,56,50
15Nagy Benedek András 32w1 1b0 16w1 11b½ 18w½ 5b030206,75
16Szűcs Blanka 2w0 25w1 15b0 27b1 19w1 9b030197,00
17Lefter Miklós 29b1 3w0 9b0 24w1 13b0 25w13017,55,50
18Peterman László 21w½ 28b0 22b1 12w1 15b½ 6w030178,75
19Nagy Ivett 1w0 32b1 4w0 26w1 16b0 28b130174,00
20Máté Bence 3b0 29w1 13b0 22w0 31b1 26w130154,50
21Gulyas Gabor Zeno 18b½ 23w1 10b0 28b1 8w0 12w02,50185,50
22Fegyver Dávid Bátor 12w½ 5b0 18w0 20b1 23w0 31b12,5017,55,75
23Oláh Blanka Lívia 28w½ 21b0 12w0 32b1 22b1 11w02,50143,75
24Fodor Flóra 7b0 27w1 5w0 17b0 30w1 14b02017,53,00
25Kadar Krisztián 11w0 16b0 29w1 30b1 7w0 17b020162,50
26Kovacs Zoltán 13w0 30b1 11w0 19b0 32w1 20b020141,50
27Soltész-Nagy Nándor 4w0 24b0 32w½ 16w0 29b½ 30b12012,52,00
28Csuja László 23b½ 18w1 3b0 21w0 12b0 19w01,5019,54,25
29Sóczó Levente 17w0 20b0 25b0 31w0 27w½ 32b11,5011,51,50
30Szűcs János 14b0 26w0 31b1 25w0 24b0 27w011121,00
31Gal Norbert 9w0 8b0 30w0 29b1 20w0 22w010161,50
32Török Csaba 15b0 19w0 27b½ 23w0 26b0 29w00,50141,00

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable