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Prvenstvo Istarske županije

Last update 12.12.2015 21:18:17, Creator/Last Upload: Zvonko Juras

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Starting rank list

1IMZufic Miroslav14506157CRO2461ŠK Pula, Pula
2GMFercec Nenad14500299CRO2450ŠK Pula, Pula
3MKJurman Roberto14509261CRO2270ŠK Batana, Rovinj
4MKBulic Josip14503891CRO2259ŠK Buje, Buje
5FMCiganovic Nikola14508648CRO2189ŠK Pula, Pula
6MKLicardo Renato14503573CRO2169ŠK Vladimir Gortan, Poreč
7MKGrbac Ivica14512270CRO2133ŠK Vladimir Gortan, Poreč
8MKGrbac Boris14503565CRO2125ŠK Vladimir Gortan, Poreč
9NMGrguric Dragan14502674CRO2040ŠK Vladimir Gortan, Poreč
10ICrnkovic Zdravko14507854CRO2024ŠK Batana, Rovinj
11MKIkica Ante14503581CRO1981ŠK Vladimir Gortan, Poreč
12MKFattorich Igor14509610CRO1977ŠK Batana, Rovinj
13IIJurman Pjerino14557592CRO1900ŠK Batana, Rovinj
14IISaric Husnija14509296CRO1825ŠK Labin, Labin
15IIRajkovic Frano14540495CRO1773ŠK Pula, Pula
16IIGhersinich Enrico14540100CRO1753ŠK Vladimir Gortan, Poreč
17IIPahljina Marko14543958CRO1712ŠK Pula, Pula
18IILovric Dino14540673CRO1695ŠK Pula, Pula