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Vinnytsya-2016 (IM group)

Last update 04.04.2016 00:15:52, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

7FMSkliarov Viktor14106736UKR2436
5IMItkis Boris1209167ROU2372
8FMMorozov Nichita13900897MDA2372
3FMMatviishen Viktor14129850UKR2349
4FMMacovei Andrei13904680MDA2326
10WGMBuksa Nataliya14123622UKR2310
6FMTregubov Vadim14119595UKR2305
9Bykovskiy Oleg14129825UKR2229
2IMGudok Viktor14104539UKR2211
1IMRomcovici Victor13900560MDA2123