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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2016 U08G

Last update 30.03.2016 17:14:27, Creator/Last Upload: Karin Louw

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Starting rank list

1WCMGovender TaliaGTP1005
2Ahjum KristenNC943
3Datharam ArchanaKZN772
4Van Der Walt LizeNC591
5Smith LeylaGE561
6Bester KeiraGJM529
7Reyneke TaliaGTP528
8Ras MariseNBR459
9Malan JaneGTP440
10Nunnan YantiKZN423
11Aldum CarlaGE419
12Terblanche AnjaGE400
13Meyer KaitlinMNW393
14Breytenbach AnjaGTP367
15Oberholzer KarlaGTP340