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II Mario Valverde in Memoriam 2016 (134986) Clasificatorio Segunda Categoría

Last update 03.06.2016 19:27:41, Creator/Last Upload: Oscar Angulo

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Starting rank list

1Campos Cerdas Jorge1998
2Solano Cruz Agustin1952
3Gutierrez Soto Gilberth1945
4Solis Gomez Jose Alberto1940
5Carrillo Naranjo Gerardo1894
6Dinarte Villagra Andres1886
7Brizuela Benavides Jorge1874
8Arce Oviedo Cesar1836
9Araya Solano Edgar1834
10Thames Montero Jorge1831
11Morales Beita Daniel Alberto1824
12Huertas Badilla Allan1820
13Murillo Varela Ricardo1820
14Guevara Guzman Mauricio1810