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Selectivo Olimpiada Baku (Absoluto)

Last update 15.05.2016 20:17:04, Creator/Last Upload: IA Jorge Vega

Starting rank list of players

9IMMunoz Sanchez Miguel3600734ECU2309Gua
8IMBarros Rivadeneira Cristhian3609677ECU2298Mor
3IMMacias Murillo Bryan3603296ECU2272Pic
6FMMunoz Sanchez Jhon3600629ECU2253Gua
1IMPazos Gambarrotti Plinio3600068ECU2212Pic
4Noboa Kevin3618471ECU2126Chi
2Martinez Maya Steven3611051ECU2103Oro
7IMLeon Calderon Jonathan3603288ECU2091CaƱ
12Saltos Velez Adrian3604594ECU2080Man
10FMGuerrero Fuentes Carlos1902156ECU2058Imb
11Chang Suarez Andres3602494ECU2020Lrs
5Menes Camejo Ivan3623580ECU1968Chi