Junior-DM i blixt 2015 Klass E

Organizer(s)Ungdomsutskottet, Stockholms Shackförbund
FederationSweden ( SWE )
Tournament directorLeif Stenberg
Chief ArbiterLeif Stenberg
Time control3 minuter + 2 sek/drag per spelare och parti
LocationSchacksalongerna, Ringvägen 9 C på Södermalm (T Zinkensdamm)
Number of rounds14
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculation -
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 12.11.2016 11:38:10, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schackförbund

Tournament selectionKlass E, KlassAB, Klass D, KlassC
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Final Ranking after 14 Rounds, Final Ranking crosstable after 14 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7, Rd.8, Rd.9, Rd.10, Rd.11, Rd.12, Rd.13, Rd.14/14 , not paired
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes
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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.Rd14.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Hua Alex0SWE 15b0 15w0 12w1 12b0 5w1 5b0 4b1 4w0 6b0 6w0 13w0 13b0 16b1 16w15238905
2Fischer Mio0SWE 16w1 16b1 18b1 18w½ 14w0 14b0 3b1 3w0 5w½ 5b1 25w1 25b0 20b0 20w0715100,506
3Angelino Eskil0SWE 17b1 17w1 22w0 22b0 23b0 23w1 2w0 2b1 24w1 24b0 21b1 21w0 25w0 25b06198806
4Rundgren Julian0SWE 18w0 18b0 16b1 16w1 24b0 24w0 1w0 1b1 23w0 23b0 9b0 9w0 8w0 8b032685,503
5Asplund Oliver0SWE 19b½ 19w1 14w0 14b0 1b0 1w1 13w1 13b1 2b½ 2w0 24w1 24b1 18b½ 18w07,5148606
6Hanning Isak0SWE 20w1 20b0 27b0 27w0 12w1 12b1 25b0 25w0 1w1 1b1 26w1 26b0 21w1 21b18129908
7Falkevall Axel0SWE 21b1 21w1 23w1 23b1 15b0 15w½ 10b0 10w1 14w1 14b0 18b1 18w½ 27w0 27b19311608
8Rosda-Nilsson Tor0SWE 22w0 22b0 17b1 17w1 25w1 25b0 23b1 23w0 18w0 18b0 19w1 19b0 4b1 4w17168807
9Sterner Melvin0SWE 23b0 23w0 21w1 21b1 26b0 26w0 18b0 18w0 13w1 13b0 4w1 4b1 24b1 24w17178507
10Sandhu Ludwig0SWE 24w1 24b1 25b1 25w1 22b0 22w1 7w1 7b0 27b1 27w0 15w1 15b0 28b1 28w1102116010
11Mattsson Felix0SWE 25b0 25w0 24w0 24b0 17w1 17b1 12b0 12w0 19b0 19w0 16w0 16b0 -0 -02277702
12Shivakaran Nihaz0SWE 26w0 26b0 1b0 1w1 6b0 6w0 11w1 11b1 21b0 21w0 17w+ 17b+ 19w1 19b06217206
13Geisler Kågström Ebba0SWE 27b1 27w0 20w0 20b0 19b½ 19w1 5b0 5w0 9b0 9w1 1b1 1w1 26w0 26b05,5229905
14Isaksson Max0SWE 28w½ 28b1 5b1 5w1 2b1 2w1 15w0 15b0 7b0 7w1 22w0 22b½ 23b0 23w181011307
15Wernberg Hugo0SWE 1w1 1b1 26b1 26w1 7w1 7b½ 14b1 14w1 28w0 28b1 10b0 10w1 22b1 22w111,51109011
16Norrevik Elliot0SWE 2b0 2w0 4w0 4b0 21b0 21w1 19w0 19b½ 17w1 17b0 11b1 11w1 1w0 1b04,5256004
17Tiger Casper0SWE 3w0 3b0 8w0 8b0 11b0 11w0 21w0 21b0 16b0 16w1 12b- 12w- -0 -01287501
18Winqvist Samuel0SWE 4b1 4w1 2w0 2b½ 28b0 28w0 9w1 9b1 8b1 8w1 7w0 7b½ 5w½ 5b18,599507
19Lönn Algot0SWE 5w½ 5b0 28b0 28w0 13w½ 13b0 16b1 16w½ 11w1 11b1 8b0 8w1 12b0 12w16,5188005
20Johansson-Öhman Linnea0SWE 6b0 6w1 13b1 13w1 27w0 27b1 26w0 26b1 25b0 25w1 23w0 23b1 2w1 2b195103,509
21Alarcon Brieba David0SWE 7w0 7b0 9b0 9w0 16w1 16b0 17b1 17w1 12w1 12b1 3w0 3b1 6b0 6w06208206
22Lennwald Erik0SWE 8b1 8w1 3b1 3w1 10w1 10b0 28w0 28b0 26b1 26w1 14b1 14w½ 15w0 15b08,5811208
23Salvkoskis Levs0SWE 9w1 9b1 7b0 7w0 3w1 3b0 8w0 8b1 4b1 4w1 20b1 20w0 14w1 14b08139508
24Norrevik Alfons0SWE 10b0 10w0 11b1 11w1 4w1 4b1 27w0 27b0 3b0 3w1 5b0 5w0 9w0 9b05248705
25Törnvall Gustav0SWE 11w1 11b1 10w0 10b0 8b0 8w1 6w1 6b1 20w1 20b0 2b0 2w1 3b1 3w1969609
26Wikman Viktor0SWE 12b1 12w1 15w0 15b0 9w1 9b1 20b1 20w0 22w0 22b0 6b0 6w1 13b1 13w1811105,508
27Sandberg Simon0SWE 13w0 13b1 6w1 6b1 20b1 20w0 24b1 24w1 10w0 10b1 28b0 28w1 7b1 7w09410509
28Isaksson Philip0SWE 14b½ 14w0 19w1 19b1 18w1 18b1 22b1 22w1 15b1 15w0 27w1 27b0 10w0 10b08,57117,508

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable