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Darrera actualització10.07.2016 14:09:59, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 9 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1FMChalmeta Ugas Ramon2377 75b1 80w1 6b1 12w1 11b1 9w1 2b1 8w½ 10b18,550,54354,5
2MKAmores Gago Javier2309 54b1 44w1 23b1 18w1 8w1 5b1 1w0 3b½ 12w17,552,54457,5
3MKMartinez Pla Xavier2249 79b1 37w1 19b1 9w0 21b1 16w1 15b1 2w½ 11b17,549,54253,5
4MKChalmeta Ugas Jordi2269 82w1 40b1 28w1 5b0 14w1 30b½ 32w1 9w1 8b17,548,541,552,5
5Nadal Fajardo Ricard2166108b1 56w1120b1 4w1 10b1 2w0 11b0 27w1 20b1748,54151,5
6Boixader Arbo Xavier2135 72b1 58w1 1w0 57b1 33w0 43b1 22w1 39b1 16w174536,549,5
7Garcia Alcaide Victor Manuel2112 89b1 67w1 10b0 66w1 25b1 17w1 12b0 38w1 15b1744,53848,5
8IMAlonso Moyano Jonathan2471 63b1 25w1 16b1 17w1 2b0 20w1 38b1 1b½ 4w06,55243,557
FMPerez Mañas Benjamin2395 48w1 42b1 30w1 3b1 13w½ 1b0 18w1 4b0 31w16,55243,557
Ezquerro Luque Albert2329 55w1 22b1 7w1 14b½ 5w0 26b1 30w1 31b1 1w06,55243,557
11Ayats Llobera Gerard2296 70w1 33b1 34w1 38b1 1w0 13b1 5w1 12b½ 3w06,551,54356
12Saez Coma Alejandro2215135b+ 43b1 46w1 1b0 19w1 34b1 7w1 11w½ 2b06,550,54254,5
13MKBosch Porta David2289 68b1 74w1 32b1 15w1 9b½ 11w0 31b0 44w1 21b16,545,53949,5
14MKVilla Izquierdo Robert2199 86b1 35w1 73b1 10w½ 4b0 31w0 62b1 67b1 30w16,54436,547,5
15Urrutia Mule Oriol2180 71w1 60b1 47w1 13b0 24w1 33b1 3w0 28b1 7w0648,54153
16Lopez Perdomo Juan David2157136w+ 62b1 8w0 41b1 42w1 3b0 24w1 29w1 6b064840,552
17Subirachs Mancebo Guillem2233 76w1 41b1 24w1 8b0 26w1 7b0 35b1 21w0 32w1647,540,551,5
18Fernandez Aguilar Francisco2209 77w1 57b1 50w1 2b0 73b1 32w½ 9b0 33w1 23b½64537,548,5
19Sanz Ogaya Mario2049121w1 52b1 3w0 62b1 12b0 36w1 29b0 53w1 43w164537,547,5
20Barba Rios Enric2140 39w0 91b1 48w1 43b1 22w1 8b0 42w1 45b1 5w06443748
21Rodriguez Diaz Javier2059 84w1 50b0 55w1 88b1 3w0 46b1 41w1 17b1 13w064436,548
22Gonzalez Muelas Javier1983114b1 10w0 54b1 81w1 20b0 59w1 6b0 58w1 38b1643,536,546,5
23Planella Sanchez Jordi2130 90w1 69b1 2w0 46b1 45w0 57b1 33w½ 64b1 18w½64335,547
24Bosch Romay Jaume2026 91b1122w1 17b0 58w1 15b0 53w1 16b0 59w1 60w1641,535,543
25Gimenez Cañadas Carlos1996110w1 8b0 76w1 77b1 7w0 39b0 61w1 50b1 47w1641,534,544,5
26Pellicer Roncero Nestor2054111b1120w0 63b1 53w1 17b0 10w0 48b1 56w1 41b164134,544
27Torralba Brosa Marc2013124w1 64b0 82w1 47b1 38w0 48b1 34w1 5b0 52w16413443
28Rodriguez Martinez Juan P.2046102b1 85w1 4b0 29w0 97b1 60w1 74b1 15w0 45b1640,53343,5
29Fradera Manils Josep1867109w0110b1105w1 28b1 40w1 38b0 19w1 16b0 42w1638,532,541,5
30Borges Ayas Joaquim2141 83b1 53w1 9b0 36w1 49b1 4w½ 10b0 35w1 14b05,548,54152,5
31Guix Torres David2196 61w1 46b0 64w1 40b½ 67w1 14b1 13w1 10w0 9b05,545,53950
32Lopez Pajuelo Aleix2105103w1 45b1 13w0 60b1 39w1 18b½ 4b0 65w1 17b05,545,53848,5
33Planella Sanchez Javier1960119b1 11w0 79b1120w1 6b1 15w0 23b½ 18b0 39w15,5443746,5
34Cordano Roberto2067113b1 81w1 11b0 56w1 74b1 12w0 27b0 36w½ 66b15,54235,545
35Borges De Clasca Pol1934 99w1 14b0121w½ 65b1 68w1 45b1 17w0 30b0 64w15,54033,542,5
36Lacureanu Vasile1938122b-124b1103w1 30b0 55w1 19b0 76w1 34b½ 65w15,538,532,540,5
37Mañosas Vila Ester1947 98w1 3b0 39w0 85b1 75w½104b1 64w0 70b1 67w15,536,52939,5
38Ramon Serrano Fco. Javier2180101b1 66w1 49b1 11w0 27b1 29w1 8w0 7b0 22w0547,540,551
39Filipenko Yan1701 20b1 73w0 37b1 44w1 32b0 25w1 49b1 6w0 33b0545,538,549
40Vicedo Navau Carles1953 95b1 4w0108b1 31w½ 29b0 70w1 65b0 51w1 61b½542,53545,5
41Devos Herve1943107b1 17w0 83b1 16w0 54b1 51w1 21b0 82w1 26w05423645
42Caro Martinez Ramon1986 93b1 9w0 75b1 59w1 16b0 58w1 20b0 81w1 29b054235,546
43Codina Broto Sergi1941126w+ 12w0 89b1 20w0 79b1 6w0 55b1 77w1 19b05423546
44Rodriguez Saez Gerard1978 94w1 2b0 61w½ 39b0121w1 75b1 68w1 13b0 62w½541,53444
45Ridao Gimeno Oscar1853 97b1 32w0 87b1 78w1 23b1 35w0 73b1 20w0 28w0540,534,544
46Gabarró Servitja Pau1914123b1 31w1 12b0 23w0 83b1 21w0 77b0 91w1 82b1539,533,541,5
47Lari Ranim1829131b1 78w1 15b0 27w0 51b0111w1 89b1 49w1 25b0539,533,540
48Garcia Ahumada Lluis1807 9b0114w1 20b0 93w1 80b1 27w0 26w0102b1 78b1539,53342,5
49Pellicer Pi Jordi2027 88w1109b1 38w0 52b1 30w0 50b1 39w0 47b0 75w1538,53341,5
50Ruiz Lupon Neri1848100b1 21w1 18b0 73w0 87b1 49w0 86b1 25w0 83b1538,532,542
51Argemi Camp Jaume1851 -0 92b1 52w0 84b1 47w1 41b0 63w1 40b0 81w15383342
52Garcia Cachinero Jesus1834 87b1 19w0 51b1 49w0123b1 73w0 83b1 74w1 27b05383240
53Monteis Catot Jaume1872112w1 30b0106w1 26b0 77w1 24b0102w1 19b0 76w1537,531,540,5
54Puente Fernandez Lucas1792 2w0 96b1 22w0 94b1 41w0102b0116w1 88b1 74b1537,53040,5
55Garcia Gomez Luis1805 10b0119w1 21b0107w1 36b0114w1 43w0 92b1 80w153730,539,5
56Serrano Moron Eloi1906117w1 5b0 99w1 34b0 76w0113b1 90w1 26b0 77w15373039,5
57Montllor Aguilera Francesc1923125b1 18w0102b1 6w0108b1 23w0 82b0 84w1 79b15373038,5
Maza Navarro Llorens1855127w1 6b0109w1 24b0102w1 42b0104w1 22b0 86w15373038,5
59Martinez Navaro Josep M.1841 64w0 93b1104w1 42b0106w1 22b0 92w1 24b0 90w1536,530,539,5
60Martin Ares Miguel Angel1876128b1 15w0 85b1 32w0113b1 28b0103w1 73w1 24b0536,530,538,5
61Martinez Suarez Alex1735 31b0128w1 44b½ 97w0100b1120w1 25b0 69b1 40w½536,530,538,5
62Molina Mañas Miquel1868130b1 16w0122b1 19w0111b1 78w½ 14w0 68b1 44b½53629,537,5
63Yanguas Martinez Hermogenes1808 8w0116b1 26w0110b1 78b0 93w1 51b0107w1 73b1535,52938,5
64Camarasa David0 59b1 27w1 31b0 74w0120b½ 80w1 37b1 23w0 35b04,541,535,545
65Layunta Villarejo Alejandro0 81b0111w1 67b½ 35w0 71w1 69b1 40w1 32b0 36b04,539,533,542,5
66Ramon Herraez Alex1920106w1 38b0 88w1 7b0 70w½ 68b0 71w1 72b1 34w04,539,532,542,5
67Lobo Bruguera Xavier1849104w1 7b0 65w½121b1 31b0 97w1 78b1 14w0 37b04,539,532,542
68Ruiz Lupon Javier1785 13w0 98b½ 90w1 69b1 35b0 66w1 44b0 62w0100b14,538,53241,5
69Bailles Fernandez Sergi1856105b1 23w0 97b½ 68w0 72b1 65w0101b1 61w0 89b14,535,529,538,5
70Bertran Nadal Santi1785 11b0 95w1 78b0122w1 66b½ 40b0121w1 37w0 98b14,53528,536,5
71Castro Avila Alex1725 15b0130w1 74b0100w½ 65b0 87w1 66b0 97w1101b14,533,527,535
72Capellades Molero Josep1700 6w0105b0126w½ 98b1 69w0 99b1120b1 66w0103b14,5322534,5
73Bouzas Arcos Juan Manuel2029137b+ 39b1 14w0 50b1 18w0 52b1 45w0 60b0 63w0442,53646,5
74Valero Soler Jaume1956 96w1 13b0 71w1 64b1 34w0 76b1 28w0 52b0 54w044134,545
75Saborit Verdaguer Roger1806 1w0 94b1 42w0114b1 37b½ 44w0 97b1 78w½ 49b0440,53243,5
76Gonzalez Cobos Arnau1754 17b0125w1 25b0105w1 56b1 74w0 36b0 87w1 53b04393340,5
77Alcantara Ruiz Natalia1735 18b0123w1 80b1 25w0 53b0105w1 46w1 43b0 56b0438,532,540,5
78Nieto Seres Raul2032 92w1 47b0 70w1 45b0 63w1 62b½ 67w0 75b½ 48w04383342
79Alcón Dávalos Marc1758 3w0126b1 33w0 96b1 43w0 92b0 94w1 85b1 57w043830,540,5
80Roquet Estrada Albert1984116w1 1b0 77w0 91b1 48w0 64b0 93b1103w1 55b043829,541
81Miró Arbelaes Aleix1830 65w1 34b0115w1 22b0104w0 84b1 85w1 42b0 51b04373140
82Lopez Torralba Oscar1771 4b0107w1 27b0123w0114w1122b1 57w1 41b0 46w0436,52938
83Morales Carrasco Angel1712 30w0112b1 41w0109b1 46w0110b1 52w0106b1 50w0434,52937,5
84Navajas Álvarez Antoni1688 21b0 87w0 95b1 51w0107b1 81w0123b1 57b0106w1434,528,536,5
85Chimeno Sanroman Rafael1658134w+ 28b0 60w0 37w0127b1108w1 81b0 79w0115b1434,528,536
86Lopez Nadal Alex1735 14w0 99b0 98w1106b0 94w1 88b1 50w0104b1 58b043427,537
87Gutierrez Moya Sergi0 52w0 84b1 45w0103b1 50w0 71b0124w1 76b0110w1433,528,535,5
88Planella Zavala Ivan1661 49b0129w1 66b0 21w0109b1 86w0105b1 54w0107b1433,527,535,5
89Martínez Gueldos Ferran1694 7w0127b1 43w0104b0117w1106b1 47w0 95b1 69w0433,526,535
90Lobo Pereira Arami1698 23b0 97w0 68b0125w1 96b1123w1 56b0115w1 59b04332734,5
91Fernandez Ferreira Alex1660 24w0 20w0125b1 80w0105b0117b1112w1 46b0104w1432,526,534
92Clotet Mas Dan1664 78b0 51w0107b0128w1122b1 79w1 59b0 55w0105b1431,52633
93Dominguez Mora Helena1651 42w0 59w0130b1 48b0129w1 63b0 80w0125b1112w1430,525,532
94Guerrero Baez Indira1636 44b0 75w0131b1 54w0 86b0127w1 79b0118w1113b1429,524,530
Ojea Pacheco Matias1598 40w0 70b0 84w0112b1103w0131b1108b1 89w0111b1429,524,530
96Morales Santiago Angel1598 74b0 54w0101b1 79w0 90w0112b0128w1124b1102w1428,523,530,5
97Amores Justo0 45w0 90b1 69w½ 61b1 28w0 67b0 75w0 71b0121w13,537,531,540
98Fernández Raya Santi1571 37b0 68w½ 86b0 72w0130b1101w0118b1120w+ 70w03,532,52734
99Lajarin Rallo Oscar1454 35b0 86w1 56b0108w0101b½ 72w0100b0109w1124b13,53226,534
100Bailles Ricard0 50w0103b0116w1 71b½ 61w0121b0 99w1108b1 68w03,531,526,534
101Lajarin Rallo Marc1733 38w0106b0 96w0126b1 99w½ 98b1 69w0121b1 71w03,5302532,5
102Saborit Codina Jaume1668 28w0118b1 57w0115b1 58b0 54w1 53b0 48w0 96b03383241
103Ruiz Mateos Bernardo1691 32b0100w1 36b0 87w0 95b1115w1 60b0 80b0 72w0336,530,539,5
104Aparicio Garibaldi Sergio0 67b0113w1 59b0 89w1 81b1 37w0 58b0 86w0 91b033630,539
105Villa Tornero Alex1243 69w0 72w1 29b0 76b0 91w1 77b0 88w0116b1 92w03352938
106Muntal Corrales Arnau1358 66b0101w1 53b0 86w1 59b0 89w0111b1 83w0 84b03342937
107Campos Rojas Antonio1518 41w0 82b0 92w1 55b0 84w0129b1113w1 63b0 88w03342936
108Rodríguez-Manzaneque Trejo Er1718 5w0117b1 40w0 99b1 57w0 85b0 95w0100w0123b13342736
109Cordano Duran Martí1290 29b1 49w0 58b0 83w0 88w0116b0119w1 99b0126w13332735,5
110Astasio Cano Ivan1657 25b0 29w0128b1 63w0118b1 83w0115b0123w1 87b03332735
111Garcia Alcaide Raul1686 26w0 65b0112w1129b1 62w0 47b0106w0122b1 95w0332,526,534
112Muñoz Cózar Martí1304 53b0 83w0111b0 95w0125b1 96w1 91b0114w1 93b03312632,5
113Tarrada Camañes Lucas1690 34w0104b0117w1118b1 60w0 56w0107b0126b1 94w033125,533,5
114Fernandez Ferreira Eric1641 22w0 48b0127w1 75w0 82b0 55b0117w1112b0125w13312532,5
115Montardit Ozerans Roman0 -0 -1 81b0102w0116w1103b0110w1 90b0 85w03292432
116Borges De Clasca David1642 80b0 63w0100b0131w1115b0109w1 54b0105w0127b13282328,5
117Pinyol Llora Julia1335 56b0108w0113b0119w1 89b0 91w0114b0131w1130w+326,521,527
118Romero Denis0120b0102w0119b1113w0110w0126b1 98w0 94b0122w1324,520,526
119Tarrada Camañes Laia1621 33w0 55b0118w0117b0128w0130w1109b0 -1129b1324,51926
120Sentís Baena Samuel1824118w1 26b1 5w0 33b0 64w½ 61b0 72w0 98b- -02,5403343
121Rodriguez Saez Joan Pere1672 19b0131w1 35b½ 67w0 44b0100w1 70b0101w0 97b02,5363036,5
122Ruiz Planas Bernat1455 36w+ 24b0 62w0 70b0 92w0 82w0131b1111w0118b0233,527,534
123Burriel Beltran Alex1342 46w0 77b0124w1 82b1 52w0 90b0 84w0110b0108w02322734
124Planella Zavala Irene1660 27b0 36w0123b0130w½126w½128b1 87b0 96w0 99w02302431,5
125Prada Villagrasa Adrià1372 57w0 76b0 91w0 90b0112w0 -1129b1 93w0114b02292430,5
126Labin Baena Elias1468 43b- 79w0 72b½101w0124b½118w0127b1113w0109b02282329,5
127Prada Villagrasa Pau Manel1233 58b0 89w0114b0 -1 85w0 94b0126w0130b1116w0227,522,529
128Palomo Moreno Marc1313 60w0 61b0110w0 92b0119b1124w0 96b0129w0131w1227,522,528
129Montardit Ozerans Roma0 -0 88b0 -1111w0 93b0107w0125w0128b1119w0226,521,528
130Triguero García Saúl1296 62w0 71b0 93w0124b½ 98w0119b0 -1127w0117b-1,5252026,5
131Lopez Nadal Sergi0 47w0121b0 94w0116b0 -1 95w0122w0117b0128b01252026,5
132FMExposito Amaro Josue2406 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127
MKFernandez Diaz Cristian2365 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127
Cordomi Forns Francesc2004 85b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127
Ribas Baraldés Arnau1751 12w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127
Gutierrez Card Francesc1717 16b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127
Perez Ronquillo Santi1662 73w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00262127

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