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World Cadets U8, U10, U12 Championships 2016 Open U12

Last update 30.10.2016 12:44:45, Creator/Last Upload: Georgian chess federation

Player overview for irl

122Plaza Reino Mateo1252IRL00011½000½031324031,60Open U12
73Ferguson Dayna1355IRL0½110001½004814032,00Girls U12

Results of the last round for irl

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Moagi Ntuma03 1 - 03 Plaza Reino Mateo1252
Ferguson Dayna13554 0 - 14 Covrig Larisa-Raluca1671

Player details for irl

Plaza Reino Mateo 1252 IRL Rp:1343 Pts. 3
154Mochalin Faddey1912RUS5,5s 040-3,20
285Munshi Aditya1710ENG5,5w 040-3,20
399Mashalov. Aliniyaz1617TKM5,5s 040-4,00
4133Toksanbay Arman0KAZ2w 1
579FMAmmar Sedrani1770UAE5s 14036,80
675Boulos Carlos1794LBN5w ½4016,80
791Ayoub Georges Gaspard1674LBN5s 040-3,20
895Leibert Xander1644AUS5w 040-3,20
9103Kong Ren En1574MAS4,5s 040-5,20
10132Shatenov Atai0KGZ3w ½
11131Moagi Ntuma0RSA4s 0
Ferguson Dayna 1355 IRL Rp:1471 Pts. 4
124WCMGhomi Parnian1782IRI6,5s 040-3,20
234Adane Narayani1688IND6,5w ½4015,20
396Van Niekerk Natasha Isabel0RSA4s 1
444Bellahcene Sofia1616FRA4,5w 14032,80
510Juhasz Judit1896HUN6s 040-3,20
654Lhotska Anna1501CZE5,5w 040-12,00
746Mikhailina Elena1573RUS6,5s 040-8,80
888Almog Shani1202ISR3w 14012,00
958Feller Gabriela Luisa Vicente1493BRA4s ½407,60
1011WCMLevitan Ronit1880ISR5s 040-3,20
1137Covrig Larisa-Raluca1671ROU5w 040-5,20