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September Lviv Tradition 2016 (IM-group)

Last update 02.10.2016 23:20:29, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

12IMShkuran Danylo14106248UKR2449
6Bogdanov Egor14119137UKR2411
4IMAnwesh Upadhyaya5028949IND2387
1IMGrekh Andrey14112418UKR2368
9FMGoluch Piotr1137840POL2330
2FMBykovskiy Oleg14129825UKR2312
8FMRydstrom Tom1714830SWE2307
11IMBondarets Vadim903540UKR2279
5Tokranovs Dmitrijs11603011LAT2265
10Soroka Danylo14102250UKR2235
7Rozycki Bartlomiej1106996POL2140
3WFMShpanko Nadiia14132400UKR2004