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Championnat National Individuel 2016 BF

Senast uppdaterad26.09.2016 15:49:41, Creator/Last Upload: Togo Chess Federation

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1JEROUI Toufik22003339BUR1556
2KISSOU Clement22003282BUR1352
3GUENE Herve Jean Louis22000160BUR1348
4MEVI Stephane22000178BUR1348
5OUEDRAOGO S Arnaud J D22000135BUR1348
6KIEMA Wend Nonga Raoul Frederic22003312BUR1326
7BRIBA Oumar22004548BUR0
8KABORE Ousseni22004556BUR0
9KIEMDE Franck22004696BUR0
10LOUGUET Sidiki22004688BUR0
11MEVI Mireille22004564BUR0
12NARE G Stanislas22004572BUR0
13NARE Pascal22004580BUR0
14OUEDRAOGO Moumouni22004599BUR0
15SANOGO Abdoul Aziz22004602BUR0
16SANOU Abdoul Rachid Armel22004610BUR0
17SANOU Cedric22004629BUR0
18SEMPORE Andy22004637BUR0
19TUINA Tianvo22004645BUR0
20YAMEOGO Aristide22004653BUR0
21YENKONE François de Salles22004661BUR0
22ZABRAMBA Joachim22003894BUR0