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VI IRT Clasificatorio al Mayor 2016

Last update 04.10.2016 00:38:20, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1CMJodorcovsky Werjivker Paulo3700305PAR2214
2Heinechen Juan3701018PAR2111
3Cantero Rodolfo3703762PAR1995
4Bergonzi Osvaldo3700232PAR1930
5Heinechen John3700976PAR1918
6Gamarra Ramon3700348PAR1915
7Centurion Emilio3703118PAR1907
8Benitez Galeano Alejandro3703568PAR1886
9Ocampos Martin3701026PAR1787
10Riquelme Andres3701115PAR1732
11Gomez Dacak Franklin Paul3703983PAR1727
12Franco Pinanez Miguel A3705170PAR1718
13Mayeregger Arnold3705226PAR1711
14Saucedo Moises3703436PAR1701
15Avalos Mathias3702081PAR1693
16Florentin Damaso3700925PAR1671
17Bento Robert3704432PAR1658
18Salinas Victor3700941PAR1620
19Sartorio Fernando3702154PAR1620
20Lugo Manuel3703371PAR1578
21Avalos Rosana3702090PAR1576
22Gomez Osmar3702928PAR1568
23Ocampos Luis3705587PAR1542
24Jodorcovsky Paulo Leonardo3705617PAR1499
25Wilberger Marcelo3705412PAR1483
26Fretes Cesar3700437PAR1466
27De La Vega Ricardo3704491PAR1430
28Godoy Baez Hugo3706770PAR1409
29Barrios Chamorro Jesus Adrian3706362PAR1366
30Sanchez Morel Araceli3705137PAR1286
31Fontclara Luis3704513PAR0
32Lopez Ronaldo3706907PAR0
33Martinez Cristian3706893PAR0
34Montiel Angel NathanaelPAR0