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XI Termo-Eko cup 2016

Last update 20.11.2016 19:21:41, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NMKlimakovs Sergejs2263LAT 58b1 25w1 33b1 10w1 7b½ 4w½ 9b1623,532,52469
2MKFilipets Egor2296BLR 98b1 43w½ 34b1 8w½ 32b1 6w1 14b1621282363
3NMKretainis Kristaps2237LAT 55w½ 45b½ 50w1 63b1 46w1 18b1 5w1618262259
4FMBernotas Arturs2331LAT 51w½ 37b1 31w1 27b½ 13w1 1b½ 15w15,521,5312294
5IMSveshnikov Vladimir2403LAT 23b1 30w1 6b½ 16w1 9b½ 10w1 3b0524342299
6FMKrustkalns Kristaps2175LAT 83w1 20b1 5w½ 11b1 15w½ 2b0 36w1523332288
7IMBerzinsh Roland2413LAT 50w1 40b1 27w½ 12b1 1w½ 15b½ 11w½522,5322307
8MKBolsakovs Vadims2086LAT 51b1 35w1 2b½ 19w1 14w½ 16b½52130,52405
9MKDzjuba Vsevolod2301LAT 41w1 32b1 63w1 15b½ 5w½ 27b1 1w0521302272
10MKPetrov Dmitri2192EST 82w1 46b1 47w1 1b0 28w1 5b0 31w152028,52191
11MKTerzi Alexei2324BLR 70b1 34w½ 43b1 6w0 49b1 42w1 7b½519,527,52202
12MKDunaveckis Deniss2169LAT 64b1 62w½ 42b1 7w0 29b1 30w½ 28w1519272116
13MKChukavin Kirill2059EST 92b½ 48w1 14b½ 62w1 4b0 41w1 27w151826,52132
14MKStepins Edgars2265LAT 53w1 36b½ 13w½ 20b1 17w1 8b½ 2w04,52332,52129
15MKBadelka Olga2197BLR 96b1 38w1 29b1 9w½ 6b½ 7w½ 4b04,523312224
16MKKul Ivan2230BLR 72w1 17b½ 36w1 5b0 47w1 31b½ 8w½4,52128,52131
17WCMSinitsina Anastassia2011EST 91b1 16w½ 21b½ 23w1 14b0 26w½ 48b14,520,5272081
18MKSinauridze Simons1880LAT100b+ 27b0 86w1 24w1 21b1 3w0 33b½4,52028,52110
19MKLaimins Lauris2236LAT 60b1 29w0 52b1 38w1 8b0 43w1 21w½4,519,5282063
20MKAntonivs Vladislavs1965LAT 69b1 6w0 59b1 14w0 57b1 24w½ 44b14,519,527,52055
21NMStasans Aivars2130LAT 93b1 17w½ 45b1 18w0 65w1 19b½4,519,5262046
22MKStabulnieks Klavs2172LAT 61b1 42w½ 49b½ 29w½ 65b½ 38w1 25b½4,518,5262007
23IHaciveli Zubeirs1819LAT 5w0 78b1 40w1 17b0 63w½ 79b+ 49b14,51825,52066
24MKIvanov Igor2142LAT 81w1 47b0 53w1 18b0 67w1 20b½ 42w14,517,524,51909
25MKLindermans Pavels1984LAT 99w1 1b0 75w1 41b0 78w1 35b1 22w½4,517242011
26MKUngurs Edgars2170LAT 67w1 63b0 41w0 75b1 72w1 17b½ 46w14,515,522,51928
27NMSemjonovs Ilja2183LAT 59b1 18w1 7b½ 4w½ 41b1 9w0 13b0422,531,52117
28MKAvotins Maigonis1910LAT 92w1 44b½ 33w1 10b0 32w1 12b0420282103
29MKSiniauski Artsiom1960BLR 94w1 19b1 15w0 22b½ 12w0 74b1 39w½420262002
30MKBoehme Andy2035GER 84w1 5b0 72w½ 48b1 37w1 12b½ -0419,526,52051
31MKBeks Edmunds2074LAT 73w½ 97b1 4b0 60w1 52b1 16w½ 10b041925,51965
32MKJazdanovs Aleksandrs2030LAT 68b1 9w0 55b1 57w1 2w0 28b0 62b1418,527,51984
33MKPetrovskis Olegs2156LAT 75w1 79b1 1w0 28b0 53w1 46b½ 18w½418,5271957
34MKParhomenko Margarita2026LAT 56w1 11b½ 2w0 72b0 76w1 51b1 37w½418,5271938
35GMStarostits Ilmars2437LAT 57b1 44w½ 8b0 70w1 43b½ 25w0 58b1418,526,51993
36MKMitskevich Yauheniya2024BLR 71b1 14w½ 16b0 96w1 44b½ 62w1 6b0418,5262034
37IBlinovs Artjoms1860LAT 95b1 4w0 77b1 49w½ 30b0 54w1 34b½41824,51962
38MKMigunovs Andrejs1937LAT 87w1 15b0 73w1 19b0 56w1 22b0 66w141824,51830
39MKWoll Wilfried2151GER 80b1 52w½ 62b½ 65w½ 42b0 50w1 29b½416,5231896
40MKSuhanovskis Sergejs2077LAT 76b1 7w0 23b0 80w1 62b0 64w1 65b1415,5231894
41IPetrovs Jaroslavs1783LAT 9b0 68w1 26b1 25w1 27w0 13b0 63w½3,521292031
42MKElsbergs Janis1871LAT 66w1 22b½ 12w0 88b1 39w1 11b0 24b03,52127,51945
43MKKotau Arseni2018BLR 86w1 2b½ 11w0 76b1 35w½ 19b0 52w½3,519,5282034
44WFMVidruska Renate2118LAT 78w1 35b½ 28w½ 47b½ 36w½ 45b½ 20w03,519,526,51956
45WCMSibajeva Marija1869LTU 3w½ 80b1 21w0 64b1 44w½ -03,51927,52033
46MKBryker Oleksandr1985LAT 89b1 10w0 82b1 64w1 3b0 33w½ 26b03,519271939
47MKZalitis Arturs-Aleksis1868LAT 90b1 24w1 10b0 44w½ 16b0 58w0 80b13,518,5251994
48MKSelivanovs Anatolijs1785LAT 13b0 84w1 30w0 92b+ 63b1 17w03,518251857
49MKBekasovs Rihards2003LAT 97w½ 74b1 22w½ 37b½ 11w0 72b1 23w03,517,523,51815
50MKNemkovs Vjaceslavs1833LAT 7b0 93w1 3b0 92w½ 82b1 39b0 81w13,517251920
51IHorobrijs Daniils1810LAT 4b½ 8w0 92b½ 77w½ 93b1 34w0 78b13,51724,51816
52IZuj-Zaikovskis Nikita1856LAT 85w1 39b½ 19w0 74b1 31w0 66b½ 43b½3,517231826
53MKSolomka Nikita1746LAT 14b0 71w1 24b0 95w1 33b0 78w½ 73b13,516,5221865
54IJansons Valdis1850LAT 62b0 64w0 71b1 59w1 79w½ 37b0 75w13,51622,51737
55IAlainis Artis1742LAT 3b½ 32w0 56b0 77w½ 92b+ 84b13,515,523,51694
56IPedmanson Albert1574EST 34b0 98w1 65b0 55w1 38b0 67b½ 72w13,515,521,51824
57MKMaklakova Nellija1848LAT 35w0 81b1 95w1 32b0 20w0 80b½ 76w13,515,5211872
58IMalnieks Karlis1744LAT 1w0 86b0 87w1 73b½ 88w1 47b1 35w03,514,5221767
59IMorozli Grigorijs1705LAT 27w0 87b1 20w0 54b0 97w1 73b½ 74w13,514,5201681
60IMikelsons Mikelis-Emils1737LAT 19w0 99b½ 94w1 31b0 74w0 71b1 77w13,51318,51624
61IVitins Janis1698LAT 22w0 66b½ 74w0 97b½ 89w1 77b½ 85w13,511,5171534
62MKLimanovska Elizabete1861LAT 54w1 12b½ 39w½ 13b0 40w1 36b0 32w032129,52001
63MKKolasa Pjotrs1940LAT 77b1 26w1 9b0 3w0 23b½ 48w0 41b½32028,51876
64IAvotins Arturs1659LAT 12w0 54b1 79w1 46b0 45w0 40b0 89w1318,525,51849
65MKAlipovs Anatoljs1883LAT 74w½ 73b½ 56w1 39b½ 22w½ 21b0 40w0318,525,51816
66IDombrovskis Vladislavs1303LAT 42b0 61w½ 98b0 68w1 96b1 52w½ 38b0316221729
67IPedmanson Herman1666EST 26b0 77w0 91b1 85w1 24b0 56w½ 69b½315,521,51635
68IPakalns Raivis Kristians1578LAT 32w0 41b0 66b0 94w1 82w1 70b½314,519,51616
69ISevastjanovs Roberts1419LAT 20w0 83b½ 76w0 84b½ 75w½ 93b1 67w½31420,51644
70IMachevskis Edmunds1802LAT 11w0 84b½ 97w1 35b0 73w½ 81b½ 68w½314201757
71IFridensteins-Bridins Atis1504LAT 36w0 53b0 54w0 94b1 98b1 60w0 90w1314191721
72IAbolins Sergejs1736LAT 16b0 91w1 30b½ 34w1 26b0 49w0 56b02,52026,51826
73INikolajeva Marija1614LAT 31b½ 65w½ 38b0 58w½ 70b½ 59w½ 53w02,517,524,51740
74IBude Toms1347LAT 65b½ 49w0 61b1 52w0 60b1 29w0 59b02,517,524,51733
75IDombrovska Stefanija1659LAT 33b0 90w1 25b0 26w0 69b½ 86w1 54b02,517,523,51744
76IGolsta Ramona1615LAT 40w0 69b1 43w0 34b0 88w1 57b02,51722,51665
77IMjatezs Ivans1386LAT 63w0 67b1 37w0 51b½ 55b½ 61w½ 60b02,516,523,51677
78IGolsta Madara1621LAT 44b0 23w0 90b1 98w1 25b0 53b½ 51w02,516,522,51773
79MKSemjonovs Vsevolods1909LAT 88b1 33w0 64b0 81w1 54b½ 23w- -02,516,5221734
80IVisnevskis Valdis1659LAT 39w0 85b1 45w0 40b0 95b1 57w½ 47w02,516,521,51786
81IOvcinkins Arsenijs1650LAT 24b0 57w0 89b1 79b0 87w1 70w½ 50b02,515,5221659
82ISarnovska Eira1728LAT 10b0 89w1 46w0 86b½ 50w0 68b0 94b12,514,520,51595
83IPolutskyi Sergij1703UKR 6b0 69w½ 88w- -0 -0 99b1 87w12,514201692
84IBautris Aivars1601LAT 30b0 70w½ 48b0 69w½ 85b½ 96w+ 55w02,514201546
85IIIMednis Agnis1650LAT 52b0 80w0 -1 67b0 84w½ 98w+ 61b02,51318,51330
86IVasilkovs Aleksandrs1471LAT 43b0 58w1 18b0 82w½ -0 75b0 88b½215,5211605
87IBurenkovs Artjoms1363LAT 38b0 59w0 58b0 91w1 81b0 95w1 83b0215,520,51548
88IIvanova Katrina Telma1353LAT 79w0 83b+ 42w0 58b0 76b0 86w½215211356
89IStrods Kristaps Reinis1432LAT 46w0 82b0 81w0 90b1 61b0 91w1 64b0213,518,51564
90IAndzans Maris1875LAT 47w0 75b0 78w0 89w0 -1 97b1 71b021115,51316
91IVissarionovs Artjoms1456LAT 17w0 72b0 67w0 87b0 99w1 89b0 97w1210,5161425
92AGMNaumovich Yaroslav1613BLR 13w½ 28b0 51w½ 50b½ 48w- 55w- -01,517,5251816
93IOzols Andris1647LAT 21w0 50b0 99b1 51w0 69w0 -01,51520,51484
94ILinins Aivars1391LAT 29b0 96w½ 60b0 71w0 68b0 -1 82w01,514,519,51306
95IIMieze Natalja1750LAT 37w0 -1 57b0 53b0 80w0 87b0 99w½1,514191250
96IZarovs Aleksandrs1734LAT 15w0 94b½ 99w1 36b0 66w0 84b- -01,513,5191520
97ISinijs Adrians1447LAT 49b½ 31w0 70b0 61w½ 59b0 90w0 91b0115,5211493
98IZujevs Valerijs1776LAT 2w0 56b0 66w1 78b0 71w0 85b- -0114,522,51420
99IISilins Juris1429LAT 25b0 60w½ 96b0 93w0 91b0 83w0 95b½11419,51407
100IBirmans Daniels1331LAT 18w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,517,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)